gbAnimator - Create Models
gbAnimator opens in construction mode. Using just a mouse, you create a model then press the "Start Animation" toolbar button to watch the model perform. If gravity is not zero, the model will fall to the floor of the display area and the animation elements that you have designed into the model will begin to perform.

Create Nodes
To create a node simply click in an open area and release the mouse.

gbAnimator will then automatically go into link draw mode. As you move the mouse a line will be drawn from the node to the mouse position. Click and release the mouse at any new location to create another node that is connected by a link to the previous node.

Right mouse click to leave link draw mode. Right mouse click again to un-select the currently selected node.

When a node is created it is automatically selected. Selected nodes are displayed with a red color. Information on the selected node can be optionally displayed on the screen. The tooltips for the bottom toolbar always provide information about the selected node or link.

Only one node can be selected at a time.

Select Existing Node
When the mouse is moved over an existing node, a large white dot will appear to indicate that the node will be selected when the left mouse button is pressed.

Click in the white dot to select the node and enter link draw mode. The large size of the white dot make it easier to select an existing node. A node is said to be 'highlighted' when the large white dot appears.

Right mouse click to leave link draw mode. The selected node will still be selected at this point. Right mouse click again to un-select the currently selected node.

Selecting an existing node also starts link draw mode.

Selecting a node will also unselect the currently selected link (see below).

Delete Nodes
There are three ways to delete a node. When a node is deleted, all links attached to the node are also deleted.

1. Select a node, then double-click it.

2. Select a node, then use the "Delete" button from the toolbar.

3. Select a node, then use the "Remove Links" menu button (warning: this menu option can delete many nodes at one time! see the discussion on menus for more details).

Move a Node
To move a node to a new location, press and hold the left mouse over the node and drag the node to the desired location. Release the mouse to leave drag mode and to start link draw mode.

When a node is dragged, the links attached to it will drag with it.

Right mouse click again to exit link draw mode as needed.

Lock a Node
Individual nodes may be locked in position using the toolbar "Lock Selected Node" function. When locked, the node's position will not change during an animation sequence, but may be moved manually while in construction mode.

Create Links
Links can only be created while in link draw mode - which is entered when a node is created or selected. When the nodes at both ends of a link are deleted the link will also disappear.

Select Links
When the mouse moves over the mid-point of a link, a large white dot will appear. Click the white dot to select the link.

A selected link will be displayed as a blue line, with a blue dot at its mid-point.

Selecting a link will not unselect the currently selected node.

Delete Links
Links may be removed in four ways.

1. To delete a link, select it and use the "Delete" button from the toolbar.

2. Delete the nodes at either end of the link (using any of the methods described above).

3. Select a node and use the menu option "Links > Remove Links". Note: The menu option "Settings > Apply Settings Only to Selected Object" affects the way links will be removed. See the menu help page for more details.

4. Select a node and use the menu option "Links > Remove Nodes". Note: The menu option "Settings > Apply Settings Only to Selected Object" affects the way nodes and links will be removed. See the menu help page for more details.

Move a Link

Links can only be moved by moving the nodes to which they are attached.