
gbThreadsLite is an offline thread viewer for the PowerBASIC Forum ... Download



Thread List:

Click on a thread to display it in the embedded browser.
Double-click on a thread to display it online at the PowerBASIC forum.

Embedded Browser:

The embedded browser is used to display threads selected from the threads list. There is no custom context menu. Commands of likely value in the default menu are: are available

Note that if you first select text in the browser, a different context menu is available that provides these useful options:

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are available:

Note: CS-R downloads the URLs it finds in the file _new_threads.txt, stopping at the first blank line in the file.

These shortcuts allow users to select the background color of lines and the text colors of each field, as well as to determine whether the colors are shown.

Update gbThreadsLite Yourself

On my request, Adam Drake updates the sitemap, which lists all URLs in the forum. gbThreadsLite can download a copy of that URL list and download the threads it finds. That's a lot of downloading time, so I do that for you and put it online as a single file that is about 1GB in size: I refer to those as "Adam" threads. The list is kept in files\_adam_threads.txt.

The formatted-for-display version of those threads are part of the gbThreadsLite distribution file. Unzipped, they are found in the threads_formatted\ folder.

Newer thread URLs are added by the user to the file _new_threads.txt. Go to the "Latest Posts" section of the forum and find threads you want to add, or update. I open the thread and copy the URL from the browser, then paste it in _new_threads.txt\. Order does not matter. You can open the file manually or press Ctrl-Shift-Q to open the file in NotePad.

Once the list of new threads is updated, press Ctrl-Shift-R to download the list of threads. Once that is done, press Ctrl-Shift-S to format the downloadeed new threads.

At that point, you're ready to combine the Adam and New threads. To do that, press Ctrl-Shift-B to build the "bigthread.htm" file, which is used for doing searches. When the build is finished, gbThreadsLite will restart and you're ready to go!

Here's the full list of shortcuts for getting the list of available threads, downloading/formatting threads, and building bigthread.htm. The Ctrl-Shift-X/L/D/F handle getting Adam threads (already done for you) and the Ctrl-Shift-Q/R/S handle getting New threads.

Suggestions Welcome!

Suggestions and comments are welcome: Gary Beene