Welcome to my web site, which provides free software, source code and technical information on 3D technologies.
On the lighter side, check out my Pepsi User's Manual and my Country Western dancing guide!
Personal and business demands have increased significantly of late, making it difficult for me to maintain the
original site, which had several thousand pages of content.
So if you've been here before, you may have noticed that I've greatly reduced the content of the site - settling
on areas that continue to draw my interest and in which I work on a regular basis.
But the areas I am keeping have some very excellent and useful content. With over one million pages downloaded each year and with
over 250K downloads of my freeware, the site seems to have something for just about everyone!
Thanks for visiting my web site. Comments, questions and suggestions are welcome! You can reach me at gbeene@airmail.net
Web Site Sections:
Over two hundred freeware applications
Tutorials and source code for the world's premiere BASIC compiler
3D Graphics
3D concepts, mathematics and source code
Stereogram concepts, mathematics, source code and images
Pepsi user's manual - things to know for the Pepsi purist!
Country Western Dancing   
What the urban cowboy needs to know about dancing!
The Beene family secrets to a good meal!
Back by popular demand!