Date: 02-16-2022
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created by gbSnippets
'Compilable Example: (Jose Includes)
#Compile Exe
#Dim All
#Include ""
#Include ""
#Include ""
' ========================================================================================
' Main
' ========================================================================================
Function PBMain
Local OnlineImageURL, LocalImageURL As String
'OnlineImageURL = ""
' OnlineImageURL = ""
OnlineImageURL = ""
' LocalImageURL = Exe.Path$ + "rodimage.jpg"
'If DownloadUrlPBForum ("", LocalImageURL) = %false Then MsgBox "Failed"
If DownloadUrlPBForum ("", LocalImageURL) = %false Then MsgBox "Failed"
If DownloadUrlPBForum (OnlineImageURL,"")= %false Then MsgBox "Failed"
End Function
Function DownloadUrlPBForum(OnlineImageURL As String, LocalImageURL As String) As Long
Local pWHttp As IWinHttpRequest
Local vSTream As Variant
Local pIStream As IStream
Local Buffer As String * 8192
Local strBuffer As String
Local cbRead As Dword
Local iSucceeded As Integer
Local wsHeaders, wTemp1, wFilename As WString
Local lCount1, lCount2 As Long
Static wsCookies, vb_UserID, vb_PassHash As WString
' these are the magic cookies that ID you
vb_UserID ="vb3187userid=4494"
vb_PassHash ="vb3187password=3c5a241ea7d86776373402ef052d29c6b68ef518a20c2a7be655f8b6"
Function = %false
' Creates an instance of the HTTP service
pWHttp = NewCom "WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1"
If IsNothing(pWHttp) Then Exit Function
'OK we have what we need now fetch the image
pWHttp.Open "GET", OnlineImageURL , %false
pWHttp.setRequestHeader "Cookie", wsCookies + "; " + vb_UserID + "; " + vb_PassHash
' Wait for response with a timeout of 5 seconds
iSucceeded = pWHttp.WaitForResponse(5)
If iSucceeded Then
wsHeaders = Format$(pWHttp.Status) + " " + pWHttp.Statustext + $CrLf
wsHeaders += pWHttp.GetAllResponseHeaders
MsgBox wsHeaders
If pWHttp.Status <> 200 Then Exit Function ' failed to get what we asked for.
For lCount1 = 1 To ParseCount(wsHeaders, $CrLf) ' extract Filename from header
wTemp1 = Parse$(wsHeaders, $CrLf, lCount1)
If Tally(wTemp1, "filename=") = 1 Then
For lCount2 = 1 To ParseCount(wTemp1, ";")
wFilename = Parse$(wTemp1, ";", lCount2)
If Tally (wFilename, "filename=") = 1 Then wFilename = Remove$(wFilename, "filename=") : Exit For : Exit For
Next lCount2
End If
Next lCount
? "ParseCount: " + Str$(ParseCount(wsHeaders,$CrLf))
wFilename = Trim$(wFilename,Any $Dq+$Spc)
'MSGBOX wFilename
' Get the response as a stream
vStream = pWHttp.ResponseStream
If VariantVT(vStream) = %VT_Unknown Then
pIStream = vStream
vStream = Empty
' Read the stream in chunks
pIStream.Read VarPtr(buffer), SizeOf(buffer), cbRead
If cbRead = 0 Then Exit Do
If cbRead < SizeOf(buffer) Then
strBuffer = strBuffer & Left$(buffer, cbRead)
strBuffer = strBuffer & buffer
End If
pIStream = Nothing
If Len(strBuffer) Then
'MSGBOX strBuffer
' Save the buffer into a file
If LocalImageURL <> "" Then wFilename = LocalImageURL
If wFilename = "" Then wFilename = "My-image.html"
If IsFile (wFilename) Then Kill wFilename
Open wFilename For Binary As #1
Put #1, 1, strBuffer
Close #1
MsgBox "File saved" + wFileName
Function = %true
MsgBox "Buffer is empty"
End If
End If
End If
OleShowErrorInfo ObjResult
End Try
End Function
' ============