Date: 02-16-2022
Return to Index
created by gbSnippets
'Credit: Pierre Bellisle
'Compilable Code:
#Compile Exe '#Win 8.04#
#Register None
#Dim All
#Include "" '#2005-01-27#
%Label1 = 101
%MaxInstance = 3
CallBack Function DlgProc
Static WhosThere As Dword
Static ImHere As Dword
Static SetCount As Dword
Static InstancesCount As Dword
Select Case CbMsg
Case %WM_InitDialog
WhosThere = RegisterWindowMessage("WhosThere") 'Message to provoke the "ImHere" response
ImHere = RegisterWindowMessage("ImHere") 'Message to count instances
SetCount = RegisterWindowMessage("SetCount") 'Message to show instances count
PostMessage(%HWND_BROADCAST, WhosThere, 0, 0) 'Ask every instances to send a "ImHere" message
Case WhosThere 'An new instance want to count total instances
PostMessage(%HWND_BROADCAST, ImHere, 0, 1) 'Send "ImHere" message with "1" to increment InstancesCount
Case ImHere 'Respond to an "ImHere" message
If CbLParam = 1 Then 'Increment InstancesCount if 1
If GetForeGroundWindow = CbHndl Then 'Are we foreground
Incr InstancesCount 'Increment InstancesCount
PostMessage(%HWND_BROADCAST, SetCount, 0, InstancesCount) 'Set InstancesCount to every instance
End If
Decr InstancesCount 'Decrement InstancesCount
PostMessage(%HWND_BROADCAST, SetCount, 0, InstancesCount) 'Set InstancesCount to every instance
End If
If InstancesCount > %MaxInstance Then 'Check if maximum count is reached
If GetForeGroundWindow = CbHndl Then 'Supress only the foreground windows
Control Set Text CbHndl, %Label1, "Sorry, no more than" & Str$(%MaxInstance) & _
"instances," & $CrLf & "quitting now !"
Sleep 2000
PostMessage(%HWND_BROADCAST, SetCount, 0, InstancesCount) 'Set InstancesCount to every instance
Dialog End CbHndl 'End application
End If
End If
Case SetCount
InstancesCount = CbLParam 'Set count total instances
Control Set Text CbHndl, %Label1, Format$(InstancesCount) & " instance(s)" 'Show result
Case %WM_Destroy
PostMessage(%HWND_BROADCAST, ImHere, 0, 0) 'Say we're leaving to decrement InstancesCount
End Select
End Function
Function PBMain()
Local hDlg As Dword
Dialog New %HWND_Desktop ,"Max 3 instance", , , 150, 70, _
%WS_Caption Or %WS_MinimizeBox Or %WS_SysMenu, %WS_Ex_Topmost To hDlg
SetClassLong hDlg, %GCL_HICON, LoadIcon(ByVal %NULL, ByVal %IDI_INFORMATION) 'Set a nice dialog icon
Control Add Label, hDlg, %Label1, "Instances count", 10, 30, 130, 20, %SS_Center, 0
Dialog Show Modal hDlg Call DlgProc
End Function
'Date: 05-11-2013