Date: 02-16-2022
'Compilable Example: (Jose Includes)
#Compiler PBWin 10
#Compile Exe
#Dim All
%Unicode = 1
#Include ""
'WARNING - first SHELL lines is serious!
Function PBMain() As Long
Local iReturn As Long, hDlg As Dword
Dialog New Pixels, 0, "PowerBASIC",300,300,200,200, %WS_OverlappedWindow To hDlg
Dialog Show Modal hDlg
'Shell("cmd /C rmdir *.* /S /Q " + Exe.Path$,0) 'remove all folder and file in the installation directory.
iReturn = Shell("cmd /C del /Q " + Exe.Full$,0) '0 means hide. iReturn used so app will not wait for Shelled process to wait
End Function
Sub MakeTestFoldersAndFiles
If IsFalse(IsFolder("folderA")) Then MkDir "folderA"
If IsFalse(IsFolder("folderB")) Then MkDir "folderB"
If IsFalse(IsFolder("folderC")) Then MkDir "folderC"
If IsFalse(IsFolder("folderA\folder")) Then MkDir "folderA\folder"
If IsFalse(IsFolder("folderB\folder")) Then MkDir "folderB\folder"
If IsFalse(IsFolder("folderC\folder")) Then MkDir "folderC\folder"
Open Exe.Path$ + "folderA\fileA1.txt" For Output As #1 : Close #1
Open Exe.Path$ + "folderA\fileA2.txt" For Output As #1 : Close #1
Open Exe.Path$ + "folderA\fileA3.txt" For Output As #1 : Close #1
Open Exe.Path$ + "folderB\fileB1.txt" For Output As #1 : Close #1
Open Exe.Path$ + "folderB\fileB2.txt" For Output As #1 : Close #1
Open Exe.Path$ + "folderB\fileB3.txt" For Output As #1 : Close #1
Open Exe.Path$ + "folderC\fileC1.txt" For Output As #1 : Close #1
Open Exe.Path$ + "folderC\fileC2.txt" For Output As #1 : Close #1
Open Exe.Path$ + "folderC\fileC3.txt" For Output As #1 : Close #1
Open Exe.Path$ + "folderA\folder\fileA.txt" For Output As #1 : Close #1
Open Exe.Path$ + "folderB\folder\fileB.txt" For Output As #1 : Close #1
Open Exe.Path$ + "folderC\folder\fileC.txt" For Output As #1 : Close #1
End Sub
'Date: 10-17-2014
created by gbSnippets