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v1.0 "RichEdit"
v2.0 ANSI "RichEdit20A"
v2.0 Unicode "RichEdit20W"
'These introduced in v2.0
EM_AUTOURLDETECT Enables or disables automatic URL detection.
EM_CANREDO Determines whether there are any actions in the redo queue.
EM_GETIMECOMPMODE Retrieves the current input method editor (IME) mode.
EM_GETLANGOPTIONS Retrieves options for IME and Asian language support.
EM_GETREDONAME Retrieves the type name of the next action in the redo queue.
EM_GETTEXTMODE Retrieves the text mode or undo level.
EM_GETUNDONAME Retrieves the type name of the next action in the undo queue.
EM_REDO Redoes the next action in the redo queue.
EM_SETLANGOPTIONS Sets options for IME and Asian language support.
EM_SETTEXTMODE Sets the text mode or undo level.
EM_SETUNDOLIMIT Sets the maximum number of actions in the undo queue.
EM_STOPGROUPTYPING Stops grouping consecutive typing actions into the current undo action.
v4.1 "RichEdit50W"
'Rich edit controls support most but not all functionality for multiline
'edit controls. The following messages are processed by edit controls but
'not by rich edit controls.
EM_FMTLINES Not supported.
EM_GETHANDLE Rich edit controls do not store text as a simple array of characters.
EM_GETIMESTATUS Not supported.
EM_GETMARGINS Not supported.
EM_SETHANDLE Rich edit controls do not store text as a simple array of characters.
EM_SETIMESTATUS Not supported.
EM_SETMARGINS Supported in Microsoft Rich Edit 3.0.
EM_SETRECTNP Not supported.
EM_SETTABSTOPS The EM_SETPARAFORMAT message is used instead.
'Supported in Microsoft Rich Edit 3.0.
WM_CTLCOLOR The EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR message is used instead.
WM_GETFONT The EM_GETCHARFORMAT message is used instead.
'code to select the most recent version of RichEdit
If LoadLibrary("msftedit.dll") Then
cName$ = "RichEdit50W"
ElseIf LoadLibrary("riched20.dll") Then
cName$ = "RichEdit20A"
ElseIf LoadLibrary("riched32.dll") Then
cName$ = "RichEdit"
End If
Dialog Set Text hDlg, "Multiple Selections"
Control Add cName$, hDlg, %IDC_RichEdit, Content$, 10, 40, 190, 100, style&, %WS_Ex_ClientEdge
'Date: 03-10-2012