Date: 02-16-2022
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'Compilable Example: (Jose Includes)
#Compile Exe
#Dim All
%Unicode = 1
#Include ""
Global hDlg As Dword
%RichEdit01 = 101
%ButtonSearchPrev = 301
%ButtonSearchNext = 302
%FR_UP = 0 'For clarity only
Function PBMain()
Local hlib As Dword
Dialog New %HWND_Desktop, "Richtext EM_FINDTEXTEX", , , 300, 130, _
%WS_Caption Or %WS_MinimizeBox Or %WS_SysMenu, %WS_Ex_Left To hDlg
hLib = LoadLibrary("MsFtEdit.dll")
Control Add "RichEdit50W", hDlg, %RichEdit01, _
Repeat$(3 ,"Search for text, " & $CrLf & "previous or next to the caret." & $CrLf & $CrLf) & _
"If search control is empty, text selection will be used as input.", _
5, 5, 290, 90, %WS_Child Or %WS_Visible Or %WS_TabStop Or %ES_SAVESEL Or %WS_VScroll Or %WS_HScroll Or _
%ES_Left Or %ES_MultiLine Or %ES_AutoVScroll Or %ES_AutoHScroll Or %ES_WantReturn Or %ES_NoHideSel, _
%WS_Ex_ClientEdge Or %WS_Ex_Left Or %WS_Ex_LtrReading Or %WS_Ex_RightScrollbar
Control Add Button, hDlg, %ButtonSearchPrev, "<", 50, 99, 25, ', %BS_VCENTER
Control Add Button, hDlg, %ButtonSearchNext, ">", 214, 99, 25, ', %BS_VCENTER
Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call MainProc
End Function
CallBack Function MainProc()
Local sTextToSearchFor As String
Static hRichEdit As Dword
Select Case As Long CbMsg
Case %WM_InitDialog
hRichEdit = GetDlgItem(CbHndl, %RichEdit01)
Case %WM_Command
Select Case As Long CbCtl
Case %ButtonSearchNext, %ButtonSearchPrev
sTextToSearchFor = "previous"
SearchText(hRichEdit, sTextToSearchFor, IIf(CbCtl = %ButtonSearchNext, %FR_DOWN, %FR_UP))
Control Set Focus hDlg, %RichEdit01
End Select
End Select
End Function
Function SearchText(hRichEdit As Dword, ByVal sTextToSearchFor As WString, SearchDirection As Long) As Long
Local FindTextText As FINDTEXTEX
Local NextMatch, SelStart, SelEnd As Long
SendMessage(hRichEdit, %EM_GETSEL, VarPtr(SelStart), VarPtr(SelEnd))
FindTextText.lpStrText = StrPtr(sTextToSearchFor)
If SearchDirection = %FR_Down Then
FindTextText.chrg.cpMin = SelEnd + 1 'Search from current position
FindTextText.chrg.cpMax = -1 '- till the end
Else '%FR_UP
FindTextText.chrg.cpMin = SelStart 'Search from current position
FindTextText.chrg.cpMax = 0 '- up to the start
End If
NextMatch = SendMessage(hRichEdit, %EM_FINDTEXTEX, SearchDirection, VarPtr(FindTextText)) 'Return next match or -1 for no more
If NextMatch = -1 Then WinBeep(250,300) :Exit Function
SendMessage(hRichEdit, %EM_SETSEL, FindTextText.chrgText.cpMin, FindTextText.chrgText.cpMax)
End Function