Date: 02-16-2022
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created by gbSnippets
'In most circumstances, the use of SendMessage provides adequate performance. But when
'message frequency is high, performance can suffer. As an alternative, Scintilla provides
'an exposed function which can call it's internal (non-exported) functions directly. By
'avoiding the overhead of the Windows messages, speed improvements of ~25% or so can be
'The process involves getting a points to the message handling function of Scintilla, and
'sending your messages to that function instead of through the Windows SendMessage function.
'Primary Code:
'To get the pointer to the Scintilla message handling function, use this message:
ptrSci = SendMessage(hEdit,%SCI_GETDIRECTPOINTER,0,0) 'msg handler pointer
'The function that calls the Scintilla message handler must also be declared. However,
'this declaration is found in the INCLUDE file, so you don't need it in your PowerBASIC app.
Declare Function SciMsg LIB "SCILEXER.DLL" ALIAS "Scintilla_DirectFunction" _
(ByVal pSciWndData AS DWord, ByVal wMsg AS DWord, _
ByVal wParam AS DWord, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
'Now, use the function SciMsg to replcae SendMessage. These next two statements
'are equivalent, but the second one is faster (SciMsg is faster than SendMessage):
iResult = SendMessage(hSci, %SCI_GETFOLDLEVEL, LineNumber, 0)
iResult = SciMsg(ptrSci, %SCI_GETFOLDLEVEL, LineNumber, 0)
'The speed improvement generally on the order of ~25%, but as they say, your milage
'may vary depending on which messages you send and how frequently they are sent.
'Compilable Example: (Jose Includes)
'This example compares the time to run through 50K iterations of the SendMessage and
'direct access methods.
#Compiler PBWin 9, PBWin 10
#Compile EXE
#Dim All
#Include ""
#Include ""
%ID_Sci = 1000 : %ID_BtnA = 1001 : %ID_BtnB = 1002
Global hDlg, hSci, hLib, ptrSci As DWord
Function PBMain() As Long
hLib = LoadLibrary("SCILEXER.DLL")
Dialog New Pixels, 0, "Scintilla Example",300,300,300,150, %WS_OverlappedWindow To hDlg
Control Add Button, hDlg, %ID_BtnA, "SendMessage", 10,10,80,20, %WS_Child Or %WS_Visible
Control Add Button, hDlg, %ID_BtnB, "Direct Access", 10,40,80,20, %WS_Child Or %WS_Visible
Control Add "Scintilla", hDlg, %ID_Sci, "", 100,10,180,130, %WS_Child Or %WS_Visible
Control Handle hDlg, %ID_Sci To hSci 'get handle to Scintilla window
Dialog Show Modal hDlg Call DlgProc
End Function
CallBack Function DlgProc() As Long
Local txt As String
txt = "Select Case var$ 'first line" + $CrLf + "End Select 'last line" + Chr$(0)
Select Case CB.Msg
Case %WM_InitDialog
PostMessage hSci, %SCI_SetSel, 0,0 'unselect initially
Case %WM_Command
Select Case CB.Ctl
Case %ID_BtnA : TestA
Case %ID_BtnB : TestB
End Select
Case %WM_Size
Control Set Size hDlg, %ID_Sci, Lo(Word, CB.lParam)-110, Hi(Word, CB.lParam)-20
Case %WM_Destroy
If hLib Then FreeLibrary hLib 'free the Scintilla library
End Select
End Function
Sub InitializeScintilla
Local txt As String
txt = "If x = 2 Then" + $CrLf + " 'do nothing" + $Crlf
txt = txt + "Else" + $crlf + " x = 0" + $crlf + "End If" + Chr$(0)
ptrSci = SendMessage(hSci,%SCI_GETDIRECTPOINTER,0,0) 'msg handler pointer
SendMessage hSci, %SCI_SetText, 0, StrPTR(txt)
SendMessage hSci, %SCI_SetMarginWidthN, 0, 20
End Sub
Sub TestA
Local i, iStart, iEnd As Long
iStart = GetTickCount
For i = 1 to 50000
SendMessage hSci, %SCI_STYLESETFORE, %SCE_B_KEYWORD, Rgb(0, 0, 255) 'keyword FGcolor
SendMessage hSci, %SCI_STYLESETFORE, %SCE_B_STRING, Rgb(255, 0, 255) 'string color
SendMessage hSci, %SCI_STYLESETFORE, %SCE_B_NUMBER, Rgb(192,100,0) 'number colors
SendMessage hSci, %SCI_SETLEXER, %SCLEX_PowerBASIC, 0 'user PB lexer
Next i
iEnd = GetTickCount
MsgBox Format$((iEnd - iStart)/1000,3) & " seconds"
End Sub
Sub TestB
Local i, iStart As Long, iEnd As Long
iStart = GetTickCount
For i = 1 to 50000
SciMsg ptrSci, %SCI_STYLESETFORE, %SCE_B_KEYWORD, Rgb(0, 0, 255) 'keyword FGcolor
SciMsg ptrSci, %SCI_STYLESETFORE, %SCE_B_STRING, Rgb(255, 0, 255) 'string color
SciMsg ptrSci, %SCI_STYLESETFORE, %SCE_B_NUMBER, Rgb(192,100,0) 'number colors
SciMsg ptrSci, %SCI_SETLEXER, %SCLEX_PowerBASIC, 0 'user PB lexer
Next i
iEnd = GetTickCount
MsgBox Format$((iEnd - iStart)/1000,3) & " seconds"
End Sub
'Date: 03-10-2012