Date: 02-16-2022
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Type VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS ' Must be 8 byte aligned
guid As Guid ' GUID guid
VideoStandard As Dword ' ULONG VideoStandard
InputSize As Size ' SIZE InputSize
MinCroppingSize As Size ' SIZE MinCroppingSize
MaxCroppingSize As Size ' SIZE MaxCroppingSize
CropGranularityX As Long ' int CropGranularityX
CropGranularityY As Long ' int CropGranularityY
CropAlignX As Long ' int CropAlignX
CropAlignY As Long ' int CropAlignY
MinOutputSize As Size ' SIZE MinOutputSize
MaxOutputSize As Size ' SIZE MaxOutputSize
OutputGranularityX As Long ' int OutputGranularityX
OutputGranularityY As Long ' int OutputGranularityY
StretchTapsX As Long ' int StretchTapsX
StretchTapsY As Long ' int StretchTapsY
ShrinkTapsX As Long ' int ShrinkTapsX
ShrinkTapsY As Long ' int ShrinkTapsY
alignment__ As Dword
MinFrameInterval As Quad ' LONGLONG MinFrameInterval
MaxFrameInterval As Quad ' LONGLONG MaxFrameInterval
MinBitsPerSecond As Long ' LONG MinBitsPerSecond
MaxBitsPerSecond As Long ' LONG MaxBitsPerSecond
HRESULT GetStreamCaps(
int iIndex,
majortype As Guid ' GUID majortype
subtype As Guid ' GUID subtype
bFixedSizeSamples As Long ' BOOL bFixedSizeSamples
bTemporalCompression As Long ' BOOL bTemporalCompression
lSampleSize As Dword ' ULONG lSampleSize
formattype As Guid ' GUID formattype
pUnk As Dword Ptr ' IUnknown *pUnk
cbFormat As Dword ' ULONG cbFormat
pbFormat As Byte Ptr ' [size_is(cbFormat)] BYTE *pbFormat
End Type
Interface ISampleGrabber $IID_ISampleGrabber
Inherit IUnknown
' =====================================================================================
Method SetOneShot ( _ ' VTable offset = 12
ByVal OneShot As Long _ ' __in BOOL OneShot
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method SetMediaType ( _ ' VTable offset = 16
ByRef pType As AM_MEDIA_TYPE _ ' __in const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pType
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method GetConnectedMediaType ( _ ' VTable offset = 20
ByRef pType As AM_MEDIA_TYPE _ ' __out AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pType
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method SetBufferSamples ( _ ' VTable offset = 24
ByVal BufferThem As Long _ ' __in BOOL BufferThem
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method GetCurrentBuffer ( _ ' VTable offset = 28
ByRef pBufferSize As Long _ ' __in_out long *pBufferSize
, ByRef pBuffer As Long _ ' __out long *pBuffer
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method GetCurrentSample ( _ ' VTable offset = 32
ByRef ppSample As IMediaSample _ ' __retval_out IMediaSample **ppSample
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method SetCallback ( _ ' VTable offset = 36
ByVal pCallback As ISampleGrabberCB _ ' __in ISampleGrabberCB *pCallback
, ByVal WhichMethodToCallback As Long _ ' __in long WhichMethodToCallback
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
End Interface
majortype As Guid ' GUID majortype
subtype As Guid ' GUID subtype
bFixedSizeSamples As Long ' BOOL bFixedSizeSamples
bTemporalCompression As Long ' BOOL bTemporalCompression
lSampleSize As Dword ' ULONG lSampleSize
formattype As Guid ' GUID formattype
pUnk As Dword Ptr ' IUnknown *pUnk
cbFormat As Dword ' ULONG cbFormat
pbFormat As Byte Ptr ' [size_is(cbFormat)] BYTE *pbFormat
End Type
Interface IAMCameraControl $IID_IAMCameraControl
Inherit IUnknown
' =====================================================================================
Method GetRange ( _ ' VTable offset = 12
ByVal Property As Long _ ' __in long Property
, ByRef pMin As Long _ ' __out long *pMin
, ByRef pMax As Long _ ' __out long *pMax
, ByRef pSteppingDelta As Long _ ' __out long *pSteppingDelta
, ByRef pDefault As Long _ ' __out long *pDefault
, ByRef pCapsFlags As Long _ ' __out long *pCapsFlags
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Set ( _ ' VTable offset = 16
ByVal Property As Long _ ' __in long Property
, ByVal lValue As Long _ ' __in long lValue
, ByVal Flags As Long _ ' __in long Flags
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Get ( _ ' VTable offset = 20
ByVal Property As Long _ ' __in long Property
, ByRef lValue As Long _ ' __out long *lValue
, ByRef Flags As Long _ ' __out long *Flags
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
End Interface
Interface IAMVideoProcAmp $IID_IAMVideoProcAmp
Inherit IUnknown
' =====================================================================================
Method GetRange ( _ ' VTable offset = 12
ByVal Property As Long _ ' __in long Property
, ByRef pMin As Long _ ' __out long *pMin
, ByRef pMax As Long _ ' __out long *pMax
, ByRef pSteppingDelta As Long _ ' __out long *pSteppingDelta
, ByRef pDefault As Long _ ' __out long *pDefault
, ByRef pCapsFlags As Long _ ' __out long *pCapsFlags
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Set ( _ ' VTable offset = 16
ByVal Property As Long _ ' __in long Property
, ByVal lValue As Long _ ' __in long lValue
, ByVal Flags As Long _ ' __in long Flags
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Get ( _ ' VTable offset = 20
ByVal Property As Long _ ' __in long Property
, ByRef lValue As Long _ ' __out long *lValue
, ByRef Flags As Long _ ' __out long *Flags
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
End Interface
Interface IAMStreamConfig $IID_IAMStreamConfig
Inherit IUnknown
' =====================================================================================
Method SetFormat ( _ ' VTable offset = 12
ByRef pmt As AM_MEDIA_TYPE _ ' __in AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method GetFormat ( _ ' VTable offset = 16
ByRef ppmt As AM_MEDIA_TYPE _ ' __out AM_MEDIA_TYPE **ppmt
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method GetNumberOfCapabilities ( _ ' VTable offset = 20
ByRef piCount As Long _ ' __out int *piCount
, ByRef piSize As Long _ ' __out int *piSize
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method GetStreamCaps ( _ ' VTable offset = 24
ByVal iIndex As Long _ ' __in int iIndex
, ByRef ppmt As AM_MEDIA_TYPE _ ' __out AM_MEDIA_TYPE **ppmt
, ByVal pSCC As Byte Ptr _ ' __out BYTE *pSCC
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
End Interface
Interface IMoniker $IID_IMoniker
Inherit IUnknown
' =====================================================================================
Method GetClassID ( _ ' VTable offset = 12
ByRef pClassID As Guid _ ' __out CLSID * pClassID
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method IsDirty ( _ ' VTable offset = 16
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Load ( _ ' VTable offset = 20
ByVal pStm As IStream _ ' __in IStream * pStm
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Save ( _ ' VTable offset = 24
ByVal pStm As IStream _ ' __in IStream * pStm
, ByVal fClearDirty As Long _ ' __in BOOL fClearDirty
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method GetSizeMax ( _ ' VTable offset = 28
ByRef pcbSize As Quad _ ' __out ULARGE_INTEGER * pcbSize
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method BindToObject ( _ ' VTable offset = 32
ByVal pbc As IBindCtx _ ' __in IBindCtx * pbc
, ByVal pmkToLeft As IMoniker _ ' __in IMoniker * pmkToLeft
, ByRef riidResult As Guid _ ' __in REFIID riidResult
, ByRef ppvResult As IUnknown _ ' __out void ** ppvResult
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method BindToStorage ( _ ' VTable offset = 36
ByVal pbc As IBindCtx _ ' __in IBindCtx * pbc
, ByVal pmkToLeft As IMoniker _ ' __in IMoniker * pmkToLeft
, ByRef riid As Guid _ ' __in REFIID riid
, ByRef ppvObj As IUnknown _ ' __out void ** ppvObj
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Reduce ( _ ' VTable offset = 40
ByVal pbc As IBindCtx _ ' __in IBindCtx * pbc
, ByVal dwReduceHowFar As Dword _ ' __in DWORD dwReduceHowFar
, ByRef ppmkToLeft As IMoniker _ ' __in_out IMoniker ** ppmkToLeft
, ByRef ppmkReduced As IMoniker _ ' __out IMoniker ** ppmkReduced
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method ComposeWith ( _ ' VTable offset = 44
ByVal pmkRight As IMoniker _ ' __in IMoniker * pmkRight
, ByVal fOnlyIfNotGeneric As Long _ ' __in BOOL fOnlyIfNotGeneric
, ByRef ppmkComposite As IMoniker _ ' __out IMoniker ** ppmkComposite
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Enum ( _ ' VTable offset = 48
ByVal fForward As Long _ ' __in BOOL fForward
, ByRef ppenumMoniker As IEnumMoniker _ ' __out IEnumMoniker ** ppenumMoniker
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method IsEqual ( _ ' VTable offset = 52
ByVal pmkOtherMoniker As IMoniker _ ' __in IMoniker * pmkOtherMoniker
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Hash ( _ ' VTable offset = 56
ByVal pdwHash As Dword _ ' __out DWORD * pdwHash
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method IsRunning ( _ ' VTable offset = 60
ByVal pbc As IBindCtx _ ' __in IBindCtx * pbc
, ByVal pmkToLeft As IMoniker _ ' __in IMoniker * pmkToLeft
, ByVal pmkNewlyRunning As IMoniker _ ' __in IMoniker * pmkNewlyRunning
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method GetTimeOfLastChange ( _ ' VTable offset = 64
ByVal pbc As IBindCtx _ ' __in IBindCtx * pbc
, ByVal pmkToLeft As IMoniker _ ' __in IMoniker * pmkToLeft
, ByRef pFileTime As FILETIME _ ' __out FILETIME * pFileTime
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Inverse ( _ ' VTable offset = 68
ByRef ppmk As IMoniker _ ' __out IMoniker ** ppmk
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method CommonPrefixWith ( _ ' VTable offset = 72
ByVal pmkOther As IMoniker _ ' __in IMoniker * pmkOther
, ByRef ppmkPrefix As IMoniker _ ' __out IMoniker ** ppmkPrefix
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method RelativePathTo ( _ ' VTable offset = 76
ByVal pmkOther As IMoniker _ ' __in IMoniker * pmkOther
, ByRef ppmkRelPath As IMoniker _ ' __out IMoniker ** ppmkRelPath
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method GetDisplayName ( _ ' VTable offset = 80
ByVal pbc As IBindCtx _ ' __in IBindCtx * pbc
, ByVal IMoniker _ ' __in IMoniker * pmkToLeft
, ByRef ppszDisplayName As Dword _ ' __out LPOLESTR * ppszDisplayName
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method ParseDisplayName ( _ ' VTable offset = 84
ByVal pbc As IBindCtx _ ' __in IBindCtx * pbc
, ByVal pmkToLeft As IMoniker _ ' __in IMoniker * pmkToLeft
, ByRef pszDisplayName As WStringZ _ ' __in LPOLESTR pszDisplayName
, ByRef pchEaten As Long _ ' __out ULONG * pchEaten
, ByRef ppmkOut As IMoniker _ ' __out IMoniker ** ppmkOut
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method IsSystemMoniker ( _ ' VTable offset = 88
ByRef pdwMksys As Dword _ ' __out DWORD * pdwMksys
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
End Interface
Interface IMediaEventEx $IID_IMediaEventEx
Inherit IDispatch
' =====================================================================================
' IMediaEvent Methods
' =====================================================================================
Method GetEventHandle <1610743808> ( _ ' VTable offset = 28
ByRef hEvent As Long _ ' __out OAEVENT *hEvent
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method GetEvent <1610743809> ( _ ' VTable offset = 32
ByRef lEventCode As Long _ ' __out long *lEventCode
, ByRef lParam1 As Long _ ' __out LONG_PTR *lParam1
, ByRef lParam2 As Long _ ' __out LONG_PTR *lParam2
, ByVal msTimeout As Long _ ' __in long msTimeout
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method WaitForCompletion <1610743810> ( _ ' VTable offset = 36
ByVal msTimeout As Long _ ' __in long msTimeout
, ByRef pEvCode As Long _ ' __out long *pEvCode
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method CancelDefaultHandling <1610743811> ( _ ' VTable offset = 40
ByVal lEvCode As Long _ ' __in long lEvCode
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method RestoreDefaultHandling <1610743812> ( _ ' VTable offset = 44
ByVal lEvCode As Long _ ' __in long lEvCode
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method FreeEventParams <1610743813> ( _ ' VTable offset = 48
ByVal lEvCode As Long _ ' __in long lEvCode
, ByVal lParam1 As Long _ ' __in LONG_PTR lParam1
, ByVal lParam2 As Long _ ' __in LONG_PTR lParam2
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
' =====================================================================================
' IMediaEventEx Methods
' =====================================================================================
Method SetNotifyWindow <1610809344> ( _ ' VTable offset = 52
ByVal hwnd As Dword _ ' __in OAHWND hwnd
, ByVal lMsg As Long _ ' __in long lMsg
, ByVal lInstanceData As Long _ ' __in LONG_PTR lInstanceData
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method SetNotifyFlags <1610809345> ( _ ' VTable offset = 56
ByVal lNoNotifyFlags As Long _ ' __in long lNoNotifyFlags
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method GetNotifyFlags <1610809346> ( _ ' VTable offset = 60
ByRef lplNoNotifyFlags As Long _ ' __out long *lplNoNotifyFlags
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
End Interface
Interface IBaseFilter $IID_IBaseFilter
Inherit IUnknown
' =====================================================================================
' IPersist Methods
' =====================================================================================
Method GetClassID ( _ ' VTable offset = 12
ByRef pClassID As Guid _ ' __out CLSID * pClassID
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
' =====================================================================================
' IMediaFilter Methods
' =====================================================================================
Method Stop ( _ ' VTable offset = 16
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Pause ( _ ' VTable offset = 20
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Run ( _ ' VTable offset = 24
ByVal tStart As Quad _ ' __in REFERENCE_TIME tStart
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method GetState ( _ ' VTable offset = 28
ByVal dwMilliSecsTimeout As Dword _ ' __in DWORD dwMilliSecsTimeout
, ByRef State As Dword _ ' __out FILTER_STATE *State
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method SetSyncSource ( _ ' VTable offset = 32
Optional ByVal pClock As IReferenceClock _ ' __in_opt IReferenceClock *pClock
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method GetSyncSource ( _ ' VTable offset = 36
ByRef pClock As IReferenceClock _ ' __out IReferenceClock **pClock
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
' =====================================================================================
' IBaseFilter Methods
' =====================================================================================
Method EnumPins ( _ ' VTable offset = 40
ByRef ppEnum As IEnumPins _ ' __out IEnumPins **ppEnum
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method FindPin ( _ ' VTable offset = 44
ByRef Id As WStringZ _ ' __in LPCWSTR Id
, ByRef ppPin As IPin _ ' __out IPin **ppPin
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method QueryFilterInfo ( _ ' VTable offset = 48
ByRef pInfo As FILTER_INFO _ ' __out FILTER_INFO *pInfo
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method JoinFilterGraph ( _ ' VTable offset = 52
Optional ByVal pGraph As IFilterGraph _ ' __in_opt IFilterGraph *pGraph
, Optional ByRef pName As WStringZ _ ' __in_opt LPCWSTR pName
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method QueryVendorInfo ( _ ' VTable offset = 56
ByRef pVendorInfo As Dword _ ' __out LPWSTR *pVendorInfo
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
End Interface
Interface ICaptureGraphBuilder2 $IID_ICaptureGraphBuilder2
Inherit IUnknown
' =====================================================================================
Method SetFiltergraph ( _ ' VTable offset = 12
ByVal pfg As IGraphBuilder _ ' __in IGraphBuilder *pfg
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method GetFiltergraph ( _ ' VTable offset = 16
ByRef ppfg As IGraphBuilder _ ' __out IGraphBuilder **ppfg
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method SetOutputFileName ( _ ' VTable offset = 20
ByRef pType As Guid _ ' __in const GUID *pType
, ByRef lpstrFile As WStringZ _ ' __in LPCOLESTR lpstrFile
, ByRef ppf As IBaseFilter _ ' __out IBaseFilter **ppf
, ByRef ppSink As IFileSinkFilter _ ' __out IFileSinkFilter **ppSink
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method FindInterface ( _ ' VTable offset = 24
ByRef pCategory As Guid _ ' __in_opt const GUID *pCategory
, ByRef pType As Guid _ ' __in_opt const GUID *pType
, ByVal pf As IBaseFilter _ ' __in IBaseFilter *pf
, ByRef riid As Guid _ ' __in REFIID riid
, ByRef ppint As IUnknown _ ' __out void **ppint
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method RenderStream ( _ ' VTable offset = 28
ByRef pCategory As Guid _ ' __in_opt const GUID *pCategory
, ByRef pType As Guid _ ' __in const GUID *pType
, ByVal pSource As IUnknown _ ' __in IUnknown *pSource
, ByVal pfCompressor As IBaseFilter _ ' __in IBaseFilter *pfCompressor
, ByVal pfRenderer As IBaseFilter _ ' __in IBaseFilter *pfRenderer
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method ControlStream ( _ ' VTable offset = 32
ByRef pCategory As Guid _ ' __in const GUID *pCategory
, ByRef pType As Guid _ ' __in const GUID *pType
, ByVal pFilter As IBaseFilter _ ' __in IBaseFilter *pFilter
, ByRef pstart As Quad _ ' __in_opt REFERENCE_TIME *pstart
, ByRef pstop As Quad _ ' __in_opt REFERENCE_TIME *pstop
, ByVal wStartCookie As Word _ ' __in WORD wStartCookie
, ByVal wStopCookie As Word _ ' __in WORD wStopCookie
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method AllocCapFile ( _ ' VTable offset = 36
ByRef lpstr As WStringZ _ ' __in LPCOLESTR lpstr
, ByVal dwlSize As Quad _ ' __in DWORDLONG dwlSize
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method CopyCaptureFile ( _ ' VTable offset = 40
ByRef lpwstrOld As WStringZ _ ' __in LPOLESTR lpwstrOld
, ByRef lpwstrNew As WStringZ _ ' __in LPOLESTR lpwstrNew
, ByVal fAllowEscAbort As Long _ ' __in int fAllowEscAbort
, ByVal pCallback As IAMCopyCaptureFileProgress _ ' __in IAMCopyCaptureFileProgress *pCallback
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method FindPin ( _ ' VTable offset = 44
ByVal pSource As IUnknown _ ' __in IUnknown *pSource
, ByVal pindir As Dword _ ' __in PIN_DIRECTION pindir
, ByRef pCategory As Guid _ ' __in_opt const GUID *pCategory
, ByRef pType As Guid _ ' __in_opt const GUID *pType
, ByVal fUnconnected As Long _ ' __in BOOL fUnconnected
, ByVal num As Long _ ' __in int num
, ByRef ppPin As IPin _ ' __out IPin **ppPin
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
End Interface
Interface IGraphBuilder $IID_IGraphBuilder
Inherit IUnknown
' =====================================================================================
Method AddFilter ( _ ' VTable offset = 12
ByVal pFilter As IBaseFilter _ ' __in IBaseFilter *pFilter
, ByRef pName As WStringZ _ ' __in LPCWSTR pName
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method RemoveFilter ( _ ' VTable offset = 16
ByVal pFilter As IBaseFilter _ ' __in IBaseFilter *pFilter
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method EnumFilters ( _ ' VTable offset = 20
ByRef ppEnum As IEnumFilters _ ' __out IEnumFilters **ppEnum
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method FindFilterByName ( _ ' VTable offset = 24
ByRef pName As WStringZ _ ' __in LPCWSTR pName
, ByRef ppFilter As IBaseFilter _ ' __out IBaseFilter **ppFilter
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method ConnectDirect ( _ ' VTable offset = 28
ByVal ppinOut As IPin _ ' __in IPin *ppinOut
, ByVal ppinIn As IPin _ ' __in IPin *ppinIn
, Optional ByRef pmt As AM_MEDIA_TYPE _ ' __in_opt const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Reconnect ( _ ' VTable offset = 32
ByVal ppin As IPin _ ' __in IPin *ppin
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Disconnect ( _ ' VTable offset = 36
ByVal ppin As IPin _ ' __in IPin *ppin
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method SetDefaultSyncSource ( _ ' VTable offset = 40
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Connect ( _ ' VTable offset = 44
ByVal ppinOut As IPin _ ' __in IPin *ppinOut
, ByVal ppinIn As IPin _ ' __in IPin *ppinIn
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Render ( _ ' VTable offset = 48
ByVal ppinOut As IPin _ ' __in IPin *ppinOut
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method RenderFile ( _ ' VTable offset = 52
ByRef lpcwstrFile As WStringZ _ ' __in LPCWSTR lpcwstrFile
, Optional ByRef lpcwstrPlayList As WStringZ _ ' __in_opt LPCWSTR lpcwstrPlayList
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method AddSourceFilter ( _ ' VTable offset = 56
ByRef lpcwstrFileName As WStringZ _ ' __in LPCWSTR lpcwstrFileName
, ByRef lpcwstrFilterName As WStringZ _ ' __in_opt LPCWSTR lpcwstrFilterName
, ByRef ppFilter As IBaseFilter _ ' __out IBaseFilter **ppFilter
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method SetLogFile ( _ ' VTable offset = 60
ByVal hFile As Dword _ ' __in DWORD_PTR hFile
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method Abort ( _ ' VTable offset = 64
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
Method ShouldOperationContinue ( _ ' VTable offset = 68
) As Long ' HRESULT
' =====================================================================================
End Interface
Interface IMediaControl $IID_IMediaControl
Inherit IDispatch
' =====================================================================================
Method Run <1610743808> ( _ ' VTable offset = 28
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method Pause <1610743809> ( _ ' VTable offset = 32
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method Stop <1610743810> ( _ ' VTable offset = 36
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method GetState <1610743811> ( _ ' VTable offset = 40
ByVal msTimeout As Long _ ' __in LONG msTimeout
, ByRef pfs As Long _ ' __out OAFilterState *pfs
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method RenderFile <1610743812> ( _ ' VTable offset = 44
ByVal strFilename As WString _ ' __in BSTR strFilename
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method AddSourceFilter <1610743813> ( _ ' VTable offset = 48
ByVal strFilename As WString _ ' __in BSTR strFilename
, ByRef ppUnk As IDispatch _ ' __out IDispatch **ppUnk
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get FilterCollection <1610743814> ( _ ' VTable offset = 52
) As IDispatch ' __retval_out IDispatch **ppUnk
' =====================================================================================
Property Get RegFilterCollection <1610743815> ( _ ' VTable offset = 56
) As IDispatch ' __retval_out IDispatch **ppUnk
' =====================================================================================
Method StopWhenReady <1610743816> ( _ ' VTable offset = 60
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
End Interface
Interface IVideoWindow $IID_IVideoWindow
Inherit IDispatch
' =====================================================================================
Property Set Caption <1610743808> ( _ ' VTable offset = 28
ByVal strCaption As WString _ ' __in BSTR strCaption
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get Caption <1610743808> ( _ ' VTable offset = 32
) As WString ' __retval_out BSTR *strCaption
' =====================================================================================
Property Set WindowStyle <1610743810> ( _ ' VTable offset = 36
ByVal WindowStyle As Long _ ' __in long WindowStyle
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get WindowStyle <1610743810> ( _ ' VTable offset = 40
) As Long ' __retval_out long *WindowStyle
' =====================================================================================
Property Set WindowStyleEx <1610743812> ( _ ' VTable offset = 44
ByVal WindowStyleEx As Long _ ' __in long WindowStyleEx
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get WindowStyleEx <1610743812> ( _ ' VTable offset = 48
) As Long ' __retval_out long *WindowStyleEx
' =====================================================================================
Property Set AutoShow <1610743814> ( _ ' VTable offset = 52
ByVal AutoShow As Long _ ' __in long AutoShow
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get AutoShow <1610743814> ( _ ' VTable offset = 56
) As Long ' __retval_out long *AutoShow
' =====================================================================================
Property Set WindowState <1610743816> ( _ ' VTable offset = 60
ByVal WindowState As Long _ ' __in long WindowState
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get WindowState <1610743816> ( _ ' VTable offset = 64
) As Long ' __retval_out long *WindowState
' =====================================================================================
Property Set BackgroundPalette <1610743818> ( _ ' VTable offset = 68
ByVal BackgroundPalette As Long _ ' __in long BackgroundPalette
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get BackgroundPalette <1610743818> ( _ ' VTable offset = 72
) As Long ' __retval_out long *pBackgroundPalette
' =====================================================================================
Property Set Visible <1610743820> ( _ ' VTable offset = 76
ByVal Visible As Long _ ' __in long Visible
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get Visible <1610743820> ( _ ' VTable offset = 80
) As Long ' __retval_out long *pVisible
' =====================================================================================
Property Set Left <1610743822> ( _ ' VTable offset = 84
ByVal Left As Long _ ' __in long Left
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get Left <1610743822> ( _ ' VTable offset = 88
) As Long ' __retval_out long *pLeft
' =====================================================================================
Property Set Width <1610743824> ( _ ' VTable offset = 92
ByVal Width As Long _ ' __in long Width
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get Width <1610743824> ( _ ' VTable offset = 96
) As Long ' __retval_out long *pWidth
' =====================================================================================
Property Set Top <1610743826> ( _ ' VTable offset = 100
ByVal Top As Long _ ' __in long Top
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get Top <1610743826> ( _ ' VTable offset = 104
) As Long ' __retval_out long *pTop
' =====================================================================================
Property Set Height <1610743828> ( _ ' VTable offset = 108
ByVal Height As Long _ ' __in long Height
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get Height <1610743828> ( _ ' VTable offset = 112
) As Long ' __retval_out long *pHeight
' =====================================================================================
Property Set Owner <1610743830> ( _ ' VTable offset = 116
ByVal Owner As Dword _ ' __in OAHWND Owner
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get Owner <1610743830> ( _ ' VTable offset = 120
) As Dword ' __retval_out OAHWND *Owner
' =====================================================================================
Property Set MessageDrain <1610743832> ( _ ' VTable offset = 124
ByVal Drain As Dword _ ' __in OAHWND Drain
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get MessageDrain <1610743832> ( _ ' VTable offset = 128
) As Dword ' __retval_out OAHWND *Drain
' =====================================================================================
Property Get BorderColor <1610743834> ( _ ' VTable offset = 132
) As Long ' __retval_out long *Color
' =====================================================================================
Property Set BorderColor <1610743834> ( _ ' VTable offset = 136
ByVal Color As Long _ ' __in long Color
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Property Get FullScreenMode <1610743836> ( _ ' VTable offset = 140
) As Long ' __retval_out long *FullScreenMode
' =====================================================================================
Property Set FullScreenMode <1610743836> ( _ ' VTable offset = 144
ByVal FullScreenMode As Long _ ' __in long FullScreenMode
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method SetWindowForeground <1610743838> ( _ ' VTable offset = 148
ByVal Focus As Long _ ' __in long Focus
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method NotifyOwnerMessage <1610743839> ( _ ' VTable offset = 152
ByVal hwnd As Dword _ ' __in OAHWND hwnd
, ByVal uMsg As Long _ ' __in long uMsg
, ByVal wParam As Long _ ' __in LONG_PTR wParam
, ByVal lParam As Long _ ' __in LONG_PTR lParam
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method SetWindowPosition <1610743840> ( _ ' VTable offset = 156
ByVal Left As Long _ ' __in long Left
, ByVal Top As Long _ ' __in long Top
, ByVal Width As Long _ ' __in long Width
, ByVal Height As Long _ ' __in long Height
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method GetWindowPosition <1610743841> ( _ ' VTable offset = 160
ByRef pLeft As Long _ ' __out long *pLeft
, ByRef pTop As Long _ ' __out long *pTop
, ByRef pWidth As Long _ ' __out long *pWidth
, ByRef pHeight As Long _ ' __out long *pHeight
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method GetMinIdealImageSize <1610743842> ( _ ' VTable offset = 164
ByRef pWidth As Long _ ' __out long *pWidth
, ByRef pHeight As Long _ ' __out long *pHeight
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method GetMaxIdealImageSize <1610743843> ( _ ' VTable offset = 168
ByRef pWidth As Long _ ' __out long *pWidth
, ByRef pHeight As Long _ ' __out long *pHeight
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method GetRestorePosition <1610743844> ( _ ' VTable offset = 172
ByRef pLeft As Long _ ' __out long *pLeft
, ByRef pTop As Long _ ' __out long *pTop
, ByRef pWidth As Long _ ' __out long *pWidth
, ByRef pHeight As Long _ ' __out long *pHeight
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method HideCursor <1610743845> ( _ ' VTable offset = 176
ByVal HideCursor As Long _ ' __in long HideCursor
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
Method IsCursorHidden <1610743846> ( _ ' VTable offset = 180
ByRef CursorHidden As Long _ ' __out long *CursorHidden
) ' void
' =====================================================================================
End Interface