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'Summary of layers for Internet connection. WinInet is the layer in Windows that
'interfaces directly with the client application.
'Client Side Server Side
'WinInet --> SMTP --> WinSock --> Tcp --> IP IP <-- Tcp <-- WinSock <-- SMTP <-- WinInet
'The WinInet DLL that is distributed with Windows provides the ability to create
'HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP connections to the Internet - providing 100+ API that
'can be used to manage the sessions. Fortunately, from that large API base,
'there is a much smaller list of API which provide basic Internet access.
'From that large WinInetAPI base, there are several that form the core of accessing files:
InternetAttemptConnect '- checks to see If connection already exists.
InternetCheckConnection '- checks connection (pings designated server)
InternetCanonicalizeURL '- converts
InternetOpen '- sets connection characteristics (creates Root Handle)
InternetConnect '- create HTTP/FTP session (creates branch handle off Root Handle) (w/FTP, also attempts to connect to URL)
InternetOpenURL '- opens a resource specified by a complete FTP or HTTP URL.
FtpOpenFile '- accesses a specified FTP URL
FtpGetFile '- retrieves a file from the FTP server and stores it as a local file
HttpOpenRequest '- create an HTTP request handle
InternetReadFile - '- reads data from a handle opened by the InternetOpenUrl, FtpOpenFile, or HttpOpenRequest function.
InternetCloseHandle '- close a single handle
'For general file access, the InternetOpenURL/InternetReadFile API combination can download
'a file asynchronously and store it on the local PC - while also providing download status information.
'The pair work with both FTP and HTTP URLs.
'Full information on WinInet can be found on MSDN at:
'API Arguments
InternetAttemptConnect 'returns 0=success, all else=fail
DWord dwReserved
InternetCheckConnection 'returns T/F
LPCTSTR lpszUrl,
DWord dwFlags,
DWord dwReserved
InternetCanonicalizeUrl 'returns T/F
LPCTSTR lpszUrl,
LPTSTR lpszBuffer,
LPDWord lpdwBufferLength,
DWord dwFlags
InternetOpen 'returns handle for subsequent API calls
LPCTSTR lpszAgent, gbSnippets
DWord dwAccessType, Internet_open_type_direct, Internet_open_type_proxy, Internet_open_type_Preconfig
LPCTSTR lpszProxyName,
LPCTSTR lpszProxyBypass,
DWord dwFlags
'Note: If use Internet_open_type_direct Set lpszProxyName = Null, lpszProxyBypass = Null
InternetConnect 'returns handle to session
HINTERNET hInternet,
LPCTSTR lpszServerName,
LPCTSTR lpszUsername,
LPCTSTR lpszPassword,
DWord dwService,
DWord dwFlags,
DWord_PTR dwContext
InternetOpenUrl 'returns handle to the URL
HINTERNET hInternet,
LPCTSTR lpszUrl,
LPCTSTR lpszHeaders,
DWord dwHeadersLength,
DWord dwFlags,
DWord_PTR dwContext
InternetReadFile 'returns T/F
LPVOID lpBuffer,
DWord dwNumberOfBytesToRead,
LPDWord lpdwNumberOfBytesRead
FtpGetFile 'returns T/F
LPCTSTR lpszRemoteFile,
LPCTSTR lpszNewFile,
BOOL fFailIfExists,
DWord dwFlagsAndAttributes,
DWord dwFlags,
DWord_PTR dwContext
HINTERNET HttpOpenRequest
LPCTSTR lpszVerb,
LPCTSTR lpszObjectName,
LPCTSTR lpszVersion,
LPCTSTR lpszReferer,
LPCTSTR *lplpszAcceptTypes,
DWord dwFlags,
DWord_PTR dwContext
InternetCloseHandle 'returns T/F
'Date: 03-10-2012