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'PowerBASIC allows you to set aside one communications buffer for received data
'and a separate buffer for transmitted data.
'In your programs, you have two responsibilities: to make sure that the buffer you use is
'large enough, and to empty the buffer as often as needed to prevent a buffer overflow.
'Pick an arbitrarily large buffer size - 1M
'Most communications programs do not rely on parity checks, especially if you must send
'8 bit data (which is just about any binary data). You should set parity to none or off
'whenever you need to send a full 8 bits of data.
'Problems you may encounter:
'- wrong baud rates
'- parity is wrong
'- number of stop (or start) bits is incorrect.
'Syntax for COMM Commands:
Comm Open "COMn" AS [#] hComm
'disable flow control
Comm Reset [#] hComm, FLOW
'set properties
Comm Set [#] hComm, Comfunc = value
'get properties
lResult& = Comm([#] hComm, Comfunc)
Comm Recv [#] hComm, count&, string_var
Comm Line [Input] [#] hComm, string_var
Comm Send [#] hComm, string_expression
Comm Print [#] hComm, string_expression [;]
Comm Close [#] hComm [, [#] hComm ...]
'Date: 03-10-2012