Frame Control
The frame control is simply a box with text in the upper edge. It is often used to enclose controls within a group (such as option controls) but does not act as a parent of child controls. It only provides a visual grouping of controls.

The label font/color can be changed but the bounding line and body color are not under programmatic control.

The Control Add statement is used to create all new controls. Here are the statement's arguments and any special significance to the frame control.

Frame transparency is not a built-in feature.

Usage Notes
Some of these comments refer to the ComboBox-specific statement in the next section below.

The PowerBASIC frame is not a parent control (as it is in some implementations). If you want the appearance of child controls in the frame, draw the frame first and the "child" controls last.

Changing line color/thickness and frame body color are not supported by PowerBASIC.

Frame-Specific PowerBASIC Statements
Although PowerBASIC provides control-specific statements for some controls (Treeview, Imagelist, ...), there are no FRAME PowerBASIC statements.

Messages, Notifications, Styles, and ExtSstyles
There are four types of named constants in the following table. All are pulled from the MSDN web site.

The first column contains control-specific named constants and the second column contains generic window named constants (frames are windows).

Since the PowerBASIC frame control is derived from the Windows button class, the first column contains MSDN button control constants.

Also, if the PowerBASIC Help file has an entry on the value, it is highlighted in yellow. If the value was noted in PowerBASIC Help as a default value, it is also shown in bold text.

In the values for notifications, descriptions starting with -n and -c refer to events received through the %wm_notify and %wm_command messages. By default, PowerBASIC controls can receive both of these messages.


And here is a short description of many of the named constants corresponding to notifications, styles, and extstyle - particularly those discussed in the PowerBASIC Help topics.

    bcn_dropdown          -n click on drop down arrow on control
    bcn_hotitemchange     -n mouse enters/leaves client area
    bn_clicked            -c mouse click
    bn_dblclk             -c mouse doubleclick
    bn_disable            -c (n/a - win3.0 only)
    bn_doubleclicked      -n mouse doubleclick
    bn_hilite             -c (n/a - win3.0 only)
    bn_killfocus          -c focus is lost
    bn_paint              -c control should be painted
    bn_pushed             -c (n/a - win3.0 only)
    bn_setfocus           -n focus is received
    bn_unhilite           -c when highlight should be removed 
    bn_unpushed           -c (n/a - win3.0 only)
    bs_bottom             - text at bottom
    bs_center             - center text horizontally
    bs_default            - heavy black border, ENTER selects, 1 per dialog
    bs_defpushbutton      - same as bs_default
    bs_left               - text on left side
    bs_multiline          - wrap text
    bs_notify             - allows bn_killfocus/bn_setfocus messages
    bs_pushlike           - toggle between raised/sunken
    bs_right              - text on right side
    bs_top                - text at top
    bs_vcenter            - center text vertically
    nm_customdraw         -n custom draw operation
    wm_ctlcolorbtn        - before drawing owner-drawn control
    ws_border             - use thin line border
    ws_disabled           - initially disabled (no user input)
    ws_ex_left            - generic left-aligned properties
    ws_ex_right           - generic right-aligned properties
    ws_ex_transparent     - draw controls/windows beneath control first
    ws_group              - starts/ends group. use ws_tabstop style.
    ws_tabstop            - allows receipt of keyboard focus

Callback Function
A frame control does not send messages and does require/support a callback function.

CONTROL Statement Syntax
The following table lists the various Control statements (except the ADD statements). Most, but not all, can be used with the frame control. A one-line description of the statement and then its syntax are presented.

If you have any suggestions or corrections, please let me know.