ProgressBar Control
The progressbar control is simply a rectangle which can be filled with color to indicate progress on a task. It can be vertical or horizontal.

The Control Add statement is used to create all new controls. Here are the statement's arguments and any special significance to the progressbar control.

The default step increment is 10 and the default range is 1-100.

ProgressBar-Specific PowerBASIC Statements
PowerBASIC provides several statements specific to the progressbar control. These allow getting/setting progressbar properties.

See the Usage section above for information on how to use the values made available by these statements.

Messages, Notifications, Styles, and ExtSstyles
There are four types of named constants in the following table. All are pulled from the MSDN web site.

The first column contains control-specific named constants and the second column contains generic window named constants (progressbar controls are windows).

Also, if the PowerBASIC Help file has an entry on the value, it is highlighted in yellow. If the value was noted in PowerBASIC Help as a default value, it is also shown in bold text.

In the values for notifications, descriptions starting with -n and -c refer to events received through the %wm_notify and %wm_command messages. By default, PowerBASIC controls can receive both of these messages.


And here is a short description of many of the named constants corresponding to notifications, styles, and extstyle - particularly those discussed in the PowerBASIC Help topics.

    %pbs_smooth            - smooth, not segmented, display
    %pbs_vertical          - vertical advance
    %ws_border             - use thin line border
    %ws_ex_clientedge      - apply sunken edge border
    %ws_ex_staticedge      - apply 3D border
    %ws_ex_windowedge      - apply raised edge border

Callback Function
A progressbar control does not send messages and does require/support a callback function.

The Help section says %ws_border is the default style&, but it is not shown in the list of style& options.

A default extstyle& is not specified in Help

I'll update with more information as it becomes available.

CONTROL Statement Syntax
The following table lists the various Control statements (except the ADD statements). Most, but not all, can be used with the progressbar control. A one-line description of the statement and then its syntax are presented.

If you have any suggestions or corrections, please let me know.