Control Add StatusBar, hDlg, id&, txt$, x, y, xx, yy, _ style&, extsytle& CALL callback
#Compile Exe Global hDlg As Dword Function PBMain() As Long Dialog New Pixels, 0, "Statusbar Test",300,300,200,200, _ %WS_SysMenu, 0 To hDlg Control Add Statusbar, hdlg, 500, "",0,0,0,0 Statusbar Set Parts hDlg, 500, 75,75,99999 Statusbar Set Text hdlg, 500, 1, 0, "one" Statusbar Set Text hdlg, 500, 2, 0, "two" Statusbar Set Text hdlg, 500, 3, 0, "three Dialog Show Modal hDlg Call DlgProc End Function CallBack Function DlgProc() As Long If Cb.NmCode = %NM_Click Then MsgBox "click" End If End Function
An additional example of a callback function is provided further down this page.
The options are pretty basic. You can have one or more sections, each with its own text. Sections can have their own border styel. You can also set the statusbar at the bottom or top of the window.
The Control Add statement is used to create all new controls. Here are the
statement's arguments and any special significance to the statusbar control.
Use of an ampersand in a statusbar section has no special meaning (i.e., the & does not define a hotkey as it does in some controls).
Note: the definitions just given match those found in the Help file. However the style& settings %css_top and %css_bottom override the x,y and xx,yy settings and size the control with the width of the dialog and a height based on the current font settings.
StatusBar-Specific PowerBASIC Statements
The Control Add Statusbar statement simply adds a one-section toolbar.
To create multiple sections or to change the border, you must use the
following StatusBar Set statements. Up to 32 sections are allowed.
StatusBar Set Parts | creates sections, each with its own text |
hDlg, id&, x$, y$, z$, ... | |
![]() | |
StatusBar Set Text | assigns text string for each part |
hDlg, id&, item&, style&, text$ | |
![]() |
The item& is the section number. Numbering goes left to right, starting with 1.
The style options for the Statusbar Set Text statement are:
0 - border lower than dialog %sbt_noborders - no borders (&H0100) %sbt_popout - border higher than dialog (&H0200)
Use #INCLUDE on the file "" to retreive the statusbar equates.
If you put text into a statusbar and later increase the number of sections, the existing text will be kept. If you decrease the number of sections, the text in the dropped sections will be lost.
Here's an image of a 3-part statusbar and the source code used to create it.
Control Add StatusBar, hdlg, 500, "status",0,0,0,0 StatusBar Set Parts hDlg, 500, 75,75,99999 StatusBar Set Text hdlg, 500, 1, 0, "one" StatusBar Set Text hdlg, 500, 2, &H0100, "two" StatusBar Set Text hdlg, 500, 3, &H0200, "three
Note the "99999" width of the 3rd section. Using an arbitrarily large number insures that statusbar covers the entire width of the dialog. Another approach is to resize the statusbar sections whenever the dialog size changes - programmatically spreading the width of the sections to meet application needs.
To use the %sbt_xxx equates in lieu of the literal values, include the "" file.
Messages, Notifications, Styles, and ExtSstyles
There are four types of named constants in the following table.
All are pulled from the
MSDN web site.
The first column contains control-specific named constants and the second column contains generic window named constants (statusbar controls are windows).
Also, if the PowerBASIC Help file has an entry on the value, it is highlighted in yellow. If the value was noted in PowerBASIC Help as a default value, it is also shown in bold text.
In the values for notifications, descriptions starting with -n and -c refer to events received through the %wm_notify and %wm_command messages. By default, PowerBASIC controls can receive both of these messages.
And here is a short description of many of the named constants corresponding to notifications, styles, and extstyle - particularly those discussed in the PowerBASIC Help topics.
%ccs_bottom - place at bottom of dialog %ccs_right - place at right edge of dialog %nm_click -n mouse click %nm_dblclk -n double click %nm_rclick -n right mouse click %nm_rdblclk -n right mouse double click %sbars_sizegrip - sizegrip displayed %sbars_tooltips - tooltips enabled %sbn_simplemodechange -n simple mode has changed %ws_ex_clientedge - apply sunken edge border %ws_ex_staticedge - apply 3D border %ws_ex_windowedge - apply raised edge border
Callback Function
A control can have its own callback function, or use the parent
dialog callback function.
A control callback function should return TRUE to indicate it has processed the message. This prevents unnecessarily calling the dialog callback function, which will process the message if no control callback function is available, or if the control callback function returns FALSE.
By default, both %WM_COMMAND and %WM_NOTIFY messages are received. However, if the #MESSAGE COMMAND compiler directive is invoked, the %WM_NOTIFY messages will not be available.
Here's a sample statusbar control callback function.
CallBack Function cbStatusBar() Select Case CB.MSG Case %WM_NOTIFY Select Case CB.CTLMSG Case %nm_click Case %nm_dblclk Case %nm_rclick Case %nm_rdblclk Case %nm_simplemodechange End Select End Select End Function
In each Case section, add the statements the application needs to respond to the event. Also, be sure to add "Function=1" as appropriate to indicate that the event was handled by the callback function.
CONTROL Statement Syntax
The following table lists the various Control statements (except the ADD statements).
Most, but not all, can be used with the statusbar control. A one-line description of
the statement and then its syntax are presented.
hDlg, id&
hDlg, id&
hDlg, id& TO iResult1&
CONTROL GET CLIENT top/left location
hDlg, id& TO wide&, high&
CONTROL GET LOC top/left location
hDlg, id& TO x&, y&
CONTROL GET SIZE width/height
hDlg, id& TO width&, height&
hDlg, id& TO txt$
CONTROL GET USER get user data
hDlg, id&, index& TO retvar&
CONTROL HANDLE window handle for control id
hDlg, id& TO hCtl&
CONTROL KILL remove control
hDlg, id&
CONTROL POST put message in queue (non-blocking)
hDlg, id&, Msg&, wParam&, lParam&
CONTROL REDRAW schedule redraw of control
hDlg, id&
CONTROL SEND send message to control, wait for processing
hDlg, id&, Msg&, wParam&, lParam& TO iResult2&
CONTROL SET CHECK set check for 3state or checkbox
hDlg, id&, checkstate&
CONTROL SET CLIENT change size to specific client area size
hDlg, id&, wide&, high&
CONTROL SET COLOR set fg/bg color
hDlg, id&, fgcolor&, bgcolor&
hDlg, id&
CONTROL SET FONT select font for a control
hDlg, id&, fonthandle&
CONTROL SET LOC relocate control within dialog
hDlg, id&, x&, y&
CONTROL SET OPTION set check state of option control
hDlg, id&, minid&, maxid&
CONTROL SET SIZE change control size
hDlg, id&, width&, height&
CONTROL SET TEXT change control text
hDlg, id&, text$
CONTROL SET USER set user data
hDlg, id&, index&, uservalue&
CONTROL SHOW STATE toggle visibility
hDlg, id&, showstate& TO iResult3&
If you have any suggestions or corrections, please let me know.