
gbAnnotate provides markup capability for images. Text, images, and shapes - called fields - may be placed and/or drawn anywhere on the image. Each field can have it's own size, font, color or other properties. A selected field may be moved, deleted and have its properties modified. A user may navigate from field-to-field using TAB/Shift-TAB or by simply clicking on a field.

All annotations are saved in a separate file, leaving the original image unmodified. The resulting annotated image may be exported as a PDF file, saved to the clipboard or sent to a printer.

Common image types may be annotated - JPG, BMP, GIF and PNG.

Download (v2.2, 2.0MB)

To install, just unzip the contents of the distribution file into a folder of its own!

Feature List:

gbAnnotate provides a wide variety of features which allow the user complete control on annotating an image.

General Features

Text Features

Stamp Features

Draw Features

Using gbAnnotate

With gbAnnotate, text, images (called stamps) or shapes can be placed or drawn on an image.

Select an Image
Use the toolbar Open button to open up an image for annotation.

Create Fields
Select the toolbar button corresponding to the type of field you wish to add - Text, Stamp, Shape.

To create a new text or stamp, double-click on the image. A new field will be created at the cursor.

To create a new shape, drag the mouse in any direction. Line, arrow, box and ellipse shapes may be drawn.

Modify a Field
Once a field is created, the mouse may be used to drag the field to a new location.

To select a field, just click anywhere on the field. Changing default field property settings will change the properties of the current field and all subsequent fields.

The size of all field can be easily increased/decreased using the toolbar +/- buttons. These buttons move the fields through specific sizes. See below for additional information.

The boundary of the selected field, or all fields, may be displayed (green rectangles). If the current field is text, it is displayed in red. Once unselected, it will display in its true color.


Many gbAnnotate features and settings are accessed through the toolbar buttons.

Context Menus

Several context menus are available - for the image to be annotated, from four toolbar buttons and from the text edit textbox.

Image Context Menu
These context menu items are available by right clicking on the image that is being annotated.

Stamps Button Dropdown Menu
These context menu items are available from the dropdown menu next to the Stamps button.

Shape Button Dropdown Menu
These context menu items are available from the dropdown menu next to the Shape button.

Font Button Dropdown Menu
These context menu items are available from the dropdown menu next to the Font button.

Settings Button Dropdown Menu
These context menu items are available from the dropdown menu next to the Stamps button.

Stamp Library

In the stamps subfolder are 80+ PNG images, called stamps. Each stamp is 128x128 pixels. Stamps are displayed vertically on the left side of the annotation image. Image names begin with a category such as "marker_". The combobox at the top of the stamp displays all stamp categories, plus a category of "all".

A user can add PNG files to the library and can create new categories simply by renaming image files with category prefixes as desired.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following key combinations are available to the user to access gbAnnotate features:

Other Comments

Comments and suggestions are welcome!