The objective of the gbAsteroids game is to destroy the asteroids before
they destroy your five ships! The ships can be moved about and has a forward pointing phaser with which to destroy the asteroids.
Feature List
- Game-Based or Continuous Play Options
- 3 Levels of Difficulty
- Moving Background Image (Multiple Images)
- Keyboard and Mouse Play Options
- Play/Pause
- Sound Mute
- Save Session on Close
Playing gbAsteroids
The goal of gbAsteroids is to destory the asteroids before
they destory your ships. One ship is active at a time and
there are 4 replacements. When all ships are destroyed, you lose!
gbAsteroids may be played with either the mouse or keyboard.
Mouse Commands
- Wheel Forward - Rotate ship counter-clockwise
- Wheel Reverse - Rotate ship clockwise
- Wheel - rotates the ship.
- Left Button Click - Fire the Phaser
- Right Button Click - Click for rocket burst. Hold for continuous rocket.
Keyboard Commands
- Left-Right Arrows - rotate the ship
- Up Arrow - Move the Ship (Hold for continuous thrust)
- Down Arrow - Reverse Ship Direction
- SpaceBar - Fire the Phaser (Hold for continous fire)
- Ctrl-C - Same As Center Button
- ESC - Same As Pause Button
There are 3 levels of difficulty - 10 asteroid, 25 asteroids and
25 faster asteroids.
All gbAsteroidsfeatures and settings are accessed through the toolbar buttons.
- Play - Play the game
- Pause - Temporarily pause the game
- New - New Game
- Center - Move the ship to the center of the screen
- Mute - Silence all game sound
- Settings - Changes the background. The Settings button also has
a dropdown menu with various settings (see below)
- Help - Local Help
Dropdown Menu
The Settings dropdown menu provides the following options.
- Change Background - Cycles through a series of 6 background images
- AutoRun on Start - Games automatically begins then gbAsteroids is started
- Continus Play - Provides endless supply of ships
- Scroll Background - Allows the background to scroll right-to-left
- Display Reserver Ships - Displays the remaining ships in the upper left of the screen
- Save Session on Close - Saves game status when the app is closed.
- Level1: 10 Slower Asteroids - Easiest level of play
- Level1: 25 Slower Asteroids - Medium level of play
- Level1: 25 Faster Asteroids - Hardest level of play
Application settings are kept in an INI file, located in the folder where
gbAsteroidsis installed.
Comments and suggestions are welcome!