
gbCodeRX provides useful methods of analyzing code content and of re-ordering code to facilitate browsing and maintainance of source code. Analysis may be extended to cover all called include files. Merged listings of selected procedures and include files may be created.

Content of code listings and include file content may be viewed in a variety of ways - non-procedural code only, procedural code only, sorted procedure lists, call trees (forward and reverse), API called tree, and more. Procedures may be individually positioned using drag and drop, and may be selected for exclusion/inclusion in merged lists.

Code listings may be edited within syntax highlighted Scintilla editors. Both API and procedures names may be highlighted.

The depth of include file coverage can be constrained to first-level or all nested includes. A user-defined list of include files may be ignored (defaults to the PowerBASIC and Jose Roca include files).

A variety of useful external tools is distributed with, and may be called by, gbCodeRX. These include PBReference, PBCodec, gbSearch, gbSearchLite, gbMagnify, and gbRuler.

Download (v2.1, 543K)

The next image shows the main screen of gbCodeRX. An application code listing is shown on the left, with the extracted/sorted code procedures shown on the right.

Key Features List

Key features of gbCodeRX include:

As a safety feature, gbCodeRX allows "Save-As" actions, but does not provide a "Save" feature. This is to minimize the chance that a user might overwrite an existing source code file.

Using gbCodeRX

To start using gbCodeRX, you need a source code listing, which goes into the INPUT Scintilla control. You can Open (toolbar button) an existing source code file (*.bas or *.inc) or you can paste content into the INPUT side.

With source code available, you can take any of several actions. Display procedure titles

  • Display non-procedure code
  • Display procedure code (un-sorted)
  • Display procedure code (Ascending sort)
  • Display procedure code (Descending sort)
  • Display all code (Ascending, Forward Call, or Reverse Call sorts)
  • Dipslay call tree (call or called by sequences)

    Each of these actions are taken by using the corresponding toolbar button. The results are displayed in the OUTPUT side of gbCodeRX.

    There are two ways to update the original source code to contain the sorted procedure listings.

    1. Open the original code in an IDE, delete the procedures, paste in the sorted procedure listing from gbCodeRX
    2. In gbCodeRX, display the non-procedure code and copy it all to the clipboard. Then display the procedure code. Paste the non-procedure code at the top of the procedure code listing. Use the OUTPUT context menu item "Save-As" to save the listing to a file

    The Input/Output editors also provide standard Cut/Copy/Paste context menus.

    That's it!


    The gbCodeRX interface includes the following toolbar.

    The following options are available from the toolbar. Some buttons provide additional dropdown menu options.

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    The following key combinations are available to the user to access gbThreads features:

    Other Comments

    Miscellaneous information is provided in this section.

    INI File
    gbCodeRX application settings are saved in an INI file, kept in the same folder as the gbCodeRX application.

    Comments and suggestions are welcome!