gbForumCodeLite is an application that converts clipboard text (source code)
into syntax highlighted BBCode that is suitable for posting in vBulletin/PowerBASIC forums.
It's a much-simplified version of it's parent app, gbForumCode.
User Interface
gbForumCodeLite has no screen. When you double-click on its icon, the program
runs in the background with no visible indicators of progress. The source code
conversion takes just a fraction of a second, at which time a short tone is heard.
Feature List
gbForumCodeLite provides a variety of features.
- Convert source code to syntax highlighted BBCode
- Source code is pulled from clipboard
- No user interface
- Beeps when conversion is complete
- Online Help
Using gbForumCodeLite
Using gbForumCodeLite couldn't be simpler.
- From your editor, copy source code to the clipboard
- Run gbForumCodeLite (you'll hear a tone)
- Paste the clipboard content into a forum New Thread edit box
That's it.
Even though gbForumCodeLite has no user interface, there are some settings
which you can change by simply editing the INI file with any text editor.
Here are the INI settings you can change. Allowed values and defaults are shown:
- HighlightSymbols 1 '0-no 1-yes
- AutoViewVCode 0 '0-no 1-yes 'open vCode in Notepad
- FontSize 10 '8+ (point size)
- FontAttr 0 '0-normal, 1-bold, 2-italic, 3-bold/italic
- FontName Consolas
- NoFont 1 '0-no 1-yes 'applies no font (allows forum to use its default font)
- UseProcList 0 '0-no 1-yes 'highlight users procedures
- SoundBite 1 '0-no 1-yes 'play a sound when the program executes
- APICase 2 '1=low 2=mix 3=upper 'text case for API
- KeyCase 2 '1=low 2=mix 3=upper 'text case for PowerBASIC keywords
You can also change the syntax highlighting colors by editing one of these INI
value (hexadecimal, with no &H characters). The default values are shown:
- Keyword FF0000
- Remark 008000
- ESymbol 0000FF
- Number 000040
- Assembler 8F8F8F
- Quote 0000FF
- API FF0080
Other Comments
Misecellaneous information is provided in this section.
INI File
gbForumCodeLite application settings are saved in an INI file, kept in the same folder as the gbForumCodeLite application.
Comments and suggestions are welcome!