This page provides the online help for gbGalleryLite, a freeware program which provides an extremely easy-to-use, but very powerful, method of creating a gallery of images, uploading the gallery to your server, and emailing the web page address to your friends so they can view the images!

gbGalleryLite features include:

  • Very simple user interface for creating the gallery
  • Easy page-to-page navigation within the gallery
  • Select an entire folder of images
  • JPG image support (with quality setting)
  • Reads BMP/GIF images (exported as JPG)
  • Built-in FTP capability
  • Automatic HTML file generation
  • Thumbnail size control
  • Image size control
  • Online Update
Overview     Sample Output     Web Site (Server)    
Menu Selections     Notes/Issues    

Also available is gbGallery, a more powerful version. Its features include individual selection of images for inclusion in the gallery, multiple output formats, image rotation and other special effects, batch file renaming, titles/descriptions for each image, graphics (for navigation buttons, horizontal rules, and page backgrounds) and much more. An activation key can be purchased for only $20. You can pay by PayPal or by credit card (Visa/Mastercard/AMEX/Discover)


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gbGalleryLite Overview

gbGalleryLite provides a very simple user interface, with only a handful of settings needed to get started.

Simply select a folder of images and press 'Create'. gbGalleryLite will create the web pages and image files needed to provide an organized presentation of the images. The gbGalleryLite output can be viewed within any web browser.

Using built-in upload capabilities gbGalleryLite can transfer the files to your server. It can also send the web address, using the default Windows email client.

The gbGalleryLite output consists of an index page which displays thumbnails of the original images. gbGalleryLite also creates a single page for each original image, with the image resized according to a setting of your choice. Each thumbnail is linked to the corresponding resized image page. Navigation links are provided to connect the index and image pages.

Input images supported include JPG, BMP, and GIF. gbGalleryLite output consists of JPG images (thumbnails and resized images) and HTML files.

Getting Started
When gbGalleryLite comes up for the first time the only setting you must make is to select the folder containing the images to be included in the gallery. At that point you can simply press the "Create" button and gbGalleryLite will create a complete gallery of files in a subfolder beneath the selected image folder. The subfolder is always named 'gbgallerylite'.

The entire set of gbGalleryLite files is contained within a single directory, which has all the files needed to view, and enjoy, your gallery of images. Your original image files are left untouched.

Instructions on how to transfer the files to your server are shown later in this help file. Server information is only needed if you wish to upload the files for viewing on the Internet. The gbGalleryLite results can be viewed on your PC using any browser.

Main Window
The main window and its menu settings are shown below:

Web Site (Server) Settings
Allow Individual Creation -----
Open Image Folder
Explore Image Folder
Open Output Folder
Explore Output Folder
Delete Files in Output Folder
Email Author
Freeware Web Site
Online Help
Online Update

Main Window Controls


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Sample gbGalleryLite Output

The output of gbGalleryLite consists of an index page, plus one additional page for each image. The index page consists of thumbnails for each image, linked to the individual image pages (which contain copies of the original images, resized according to the settings you've made).


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Web Site (Server)

If you want to upload your galleries to a server you must enter the server information as shown in the right of the following gbGalleryLite expanded window.

To expand the main window to expose the Email/FTP server settings, use the Options>Show Server Settings menu option.

FTP Server
This is the server where the gallery files are to be uploaded.

gbGalleryLite uses the default email client on your PC. It will automatically create an outgoing email and insert a text message consisting of the URL of the uploaded gbGalleryLite results. You will need to enter the To: address.

HTML Background Color
Simply click on the background color box to get a popup dialog window from which the background of the pages may be selected.


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Menu Options

gbGalleryLite provides File and Help menu selections.

The Options menu selections include:

The Help menu offers the following selections.


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Notes/Issues/Future Features

gbGalleryLite has been tested on Windows XP and Windows 2000.

If you have any problems using it on your system, please let me know.