
gbHexViewer is a simple file viewer which will displays the content of any file in hexadecimal format.

Just select a folder to display a list files in that folder, then select the file to view. 8-Character and 16-character width displays are supported.

Download (v1.0, 163KB)

gbHexViewer uses a single main screen, consisting of a toolbar, folder browser, file list and integrated web browser:

Feature List

gbHexViewer the following features.

Using gbHexViewer

Using gbHexViewer couldn't be more simpler.

  1. Select a folder
  2. Select a file to display

That's it. The toolbar provides a few additional navigation features, which are discussed below. The integrated web browser provide a context menu which varies with the content of the displayed file. Neither the folder browser nor file list provide context menus.


Most gbHexViewer features or settings are accessed through the toolbar buttons.


Keyboard Shortcuts

The following key combinations are available to the user to access gbHexViewer features:

Folder/File Browser

The built-in folder browser supports only the C: drive.

Once a folder is selected, the files in that files are listed. The first file is automatically selected and displayed.

A file can be selected using the mouse, or the toolbar Previous/Next button can be used to move through the file list.

Other Comments

Miscellaneous information is provided in this section.

When gbHexViewer starts, it restores the previous session content (displays the file being viewed when gbHexViewer was closed).

INI File
gbHexViewer application settings are saved in an INI file, kept in the same folder as the gbHexViewer application.

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