
gbHTMLNavigator demonstrates the various ways that a PowerBASIC application can allow the user to navigate within a single HTML document. The user's default browser already has some methods for general purpose navigation. But a programmer can design their HTML document in ways that takes advantage of how PowerBASIC can interact with a HTML document, providing the user with even more powerful features.

Download (v1.0, 0.4MB) (pre-release)

The following image of gbHTMLNavigator contains an HTML document that is index for my 100 page PowerBASIC tutorial. The document lists 6 Chapters, each with a half dozen or so Sections. The main toolbar of gbHTMLNavigator provides ways to quickly browse, jump, search, or highlight specified information on the page.

In this case, the document is just a vehicle to highlight the features a programmer can add to a PowerBASIC application. The type of HTML document you create is limited only by your imagination (tables, lists, paragraphs, images, ...). But regardless of the document content, PowerBASIC can interact with the browser to enhance your user's ability to work with the information presented.

Additionally, a web browser context menu is available.

Feature List

gbHTMLNavigator demonstrates many different wat to search, navigate, and acquire document content.

Using gbHTMLNavigator

gbHTMLNavigator comes with a default HTML file which was built specifically for the purpose of demonstrating the types of navigation that can be placed under the control of a PowerBASIC application.

gbHTMLNavigator can open any HTML file, but not all files are written to support the features it was written to demonstrate.

The goal of gbHTMLNavigator was that programmers would use its capabilities in their own application, rather than use gbHTML as a stand-alone application.


Most gbHTMLNavigator features or settings are accessed through the toolbar buttons.


Toolbar Dropdown Menus

The settings toolbar button provides a dropdown context menu.

Pressing the Settings button will toggle display of the default web browser context menu and a custom context menu supplied by gbHTMLNavigator.

Pressing the down arrow next to the Settings toolbar button will display a context menu with the following options.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following key combinations are available to the user to access gbThreads features:

Other Comments

Misecellaneous information is provided in this section.

When gbHTMLNavigator starts, it restores the previous session content.

INI File
gbHTMLNavigator application settings are saved in an INI file, kept in the same folder as the gbHTMLNavigator application.

Comments and suggestions are welcome!