gbReplace - Online Help
gbReplace is a very easy to use utilty which can find
and replace text across multiple files in a folder.
Multi-line find and replace strings are supported.
gbReplace can also view/edit text files as well as
convert files names to upper or lower case.
Online updates are supported.
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gbReplace consists of a set of folder navigation controls on the left side of
the main window. From there you can navigate to the folder of choice and then
select one or more files on which the find/replace action will be taken.
On the right side of the main window you can enter the text to be found (multiple
lines of text are allow) and the text to use for replacement.
After a replacement action the list of selected files will be shown in the 'Results'
textbox, along with an indication of what action was taken.
Menu Options
Email Author
Web Site
Discussion Forums
Online Help
Online Update
gbReplace provides three basic functions:
Find and Replace
Type in the text to find, the text to replace it with, and select one or more
files on which to perform the find and replace function.
Selected files are listed in the 'Results' textbox along with an indication
of whether a replacement action was taken within the file.
The folder where the most recent Replace action took place is displayed in
the 'Last Folder' textbox.
Text File Viewer
Double-clicking on a file name in the file list brings up a window
which contains the file for vieweing or editing. Press the Save
button to save any edits. Closing the Viewer window will lose any
edits in progress. No confirmation warning is provided.
File Name Case Conversion
Pressing the Upper or Lower command buttons will change the names of
the files to the corresponding case.
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Menu Options
gbReplace provides Help menu selections.
The Help menu offers the following selections.
- Email Author
Opens up the default mail applications with a new email addressed to the author of gbReplace
- Web Site
Opens the default browser at Gary Beene's Freeware Information Center
- Discussion Forums
Opens to the URL of the Gary Beene Information Centers Discussion Forums
- Online Help
Opens the default browser at the gbReplace Online Help page.
- Online Updates
Opens a dialog window from which the latest version of gbReplace can be downloaded.
- About
Shows the revision level of the installed version of gbReplace
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gbReplace provides the following useful commands and options:
- Replace
- For each selected file, uses the text in the 'Replace This' textbox
with the text in the 'With This' textbox.
- Restore
- Replaces each selected file with its backup version (files with .old extension).
If no backup (.old extension) is available then no action is taken. The backup
files are deleted after the restore action is taken.
- Select
- Selects all files lists in the filename listbox.
- Clear
- Unselected all files.
- Upper
- Converts selected filenames to upper case
- Lower
- Converts selected filenames to lower case
- Exit
- Closes gbReplace
- Create Backups
- When a replacement occurs, a copy of the original file is saved as the original
filename with a '.old' suffix.
- Case Sensitive
- Treats upper and lower case text as equal when left unselected.
- Trim Blank Lines
- For both search and replace strings, lines at the bottom of the strings which
consist of only a carriage return and line feed are removed. Lines with spaces
in them are left untouched.
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In order to avoid accidentally modifying files, gbReplace can be set to skip files with
user-defined extensions. A file called 'exception.txt' is placed in the gbReplace
installation folder with the following single line content:
.exe .dll .ocx .xls .jpg .gif .bmp .mp3
A replace action cannot be taken on a file with any of these extensions. gbReplace
will allow the files to be selected, but the file will be ignored during a replace action.
Users can modify this file to contain any extensions they wish to protect. The list of
extensions must be contained on a single line of text within the file 'exception.txt'.