gbRider is an addictive game, similar in play to the Line Rider game that was popular
in the mid-2000's. In gbRider, a unicycle rolls down a track that is drawn by the user with
a mouse. A variety of play options are available to allow easy creation of the track and to
allow changes to the way that the rider behaves.
To install, just unzip the contents of the distribution file into a folder of its own!
gbRider uses a single window, consisting of a toolbar and a graphic control which displays the
track and rider.
Feature List
gbRider provides a variety of features.
- Play/Pause game action
- Incremental rider movement ("Step")
- Draw track with mouse
- Erase individual track lines or line segments
- Save/Open tracks
- Track automatically saved between session
- 1200x1200 pixel track area
- Scrollable track window and/or resizable dialog
- Zoom view containing real-time image of entire track
- Copy image of track area to clipboard
- Angle of rider perpendicular to track (optional)
- Ride on underside of track (optional)
- Restart game when rider moves out of viewing area
- User-selectable background and track colors
- Online Help
Using gbRider
Using gbRider is pretty darn simple. Just draw tracks (red lines) with by dragging
the left mouse. Erase track by dragging the right mouse, or erase and entire line
by double clicking on a line with the right mouse. Then press play and watch
the rider (unicycle) traverse the track!
If a rider goes off the end of a line, he will fall to his doom. But to save him,
you can draw another line in his fall path. Once he falls to the new line, he will
continue riding.
All gbRider features and settings are accessed through the toolbar buttons.
- Open - Restore a saved track file
- Save - Save the current track to a user-specified file
- New - Erase the track and move rider to initial position
- Play - Allow to move around the track (from current rider position)
- Step - Move the rider through one pixel of motion
- Reset - Stops game. Returns rider to upper left position. Does not affect track.
- Copy - Copy image of track/rider to clipboard
- Zoom - Displays a realtime, miniature image of the entire track/rider
- Settings - Also provide dropdown menu with the following options:
- Background Color - Set the background color of the track area
- Track Color - Set the track color
- Default Colors - Sets colors to white background and red line
- Reset Sprite When Out of Sight - Reset sprite position when no longer visible
- Help - Open this online Help page
Keyboard Shortcuts
The following key combinations are available to the user to access gbRider features:
- F1 - Help
- Ctrl+C - Copy track/rider image to clipboard
- Ctrl+N - Erases track and moves rider to initial position (upper/left of track area)
Other Comments
Comments and suggestions are welcome!