
gbRuler is an easy to use on screen ruler.

Download (v1.0, 0K)

Additionally, context menus are provided for each text source.

Feature List

gbRuler provides a wide variety of features.

Using gbRuler

Using gbRuler couldn't be simpler.
  1. Create a desktop shortcut to the gbRuler.exe file
  2. Double-Click on the shortcut (gbRuler appears)
  3. Drag gbRuler next to the items you wish to measure
  4. Drag the "gripper" to resize gbRuler

By default, gbRuler opens in horizontal mode. Use the right-mouse context menu to change to vertical if required.

By default gbRuler may be rotated with the wheel mouse. Double click on gbRuler to restore it to a zero-angle position.

There are an additional 40+ settings with which to adjust the look and action of gbRuler!

Context Menu

All gbRuler's settings and actions are available through the following context menu options ...

Scale Units




PPI Adjustment


Keyboard Shortcuts

The following key combinations are available to the user to access gbRuler features:

Other Comments

Misecellaneous information is provided in this section.

When gbRuler starts, it restores the previous session content.

INI File
gbRuler application settings are saved in an INI file, kept in the same folder as the gbRuler application.

Comments and suggestions are welcome!