gbStereogram quickly and easily generates stereograms. It can generate
random dot stereograms (SIRDS) and tiled/textured (SIS) stereograms (stereograms
with background images rather than random dots).
See my Stereogram Information Center for background
information on stereograms.
gbAnimator key features include:
- Text, random dot, and textured stereograms
- Built-in browser for texture and depth mask selection
- Oversampling
- Multiple algorithms
- Shimmering (viewing aide)
- Save image (multiple formats)
- Online update
Download (ver 1.0, 0.5M)
(available 7 May 2006)
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gbStereogram provides a very easy way to create stereograms. A depth mask file or text
string may be used to generate a single image random dot stereogram (SIRDS). Either black
and white, or colored dots backgrounds are supported. An image file may also be used as
the background to create a single image stereogram (SIS).
gbStereogram comes with a built-in browser for displaying folders of depth masks and texture files.
A depth mask and/or texture may be selected from the browser to use in creating a stereogram.
Users may also enter a text string, which gbStereogram will convert to a depth mask for use
in generating a stereogram.
At any time, windows containing the selected depth mask and selected texture may be displayed
over the output picturebox. The depth mask is displayed in the upper left hand corner and the
texture image is displayed in the lower right corner. The depth mask and texture image may also
be displayed at any time directly within the output picturebox.
Several global properties of the stereogram may be set, including whitespace, depth, and oversampling.
For users who have a difficult time viewing stereograms, gbStereogram supports two viewing aides -
convergence marsk and shimmering.
1. Convergence marks are simply two large dots placed in the stereogram. When the stereogram is
viewed correctly, three dots can be seen.
2. Multiple images of the stereogram can be created, then displayed in rapid succession to form
a stereogram animation. This is called "shimmering". Shimmering helps many users correctly view
the stereogram. This applies to random dot stereograms only.
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Toolbar Options

The following functions are available on the top toolbar:
- Random Dot Stereogram
generate a random dot stereogram
- Textured Stereogram
generate a textured stereogram
- Text Stereogram
generate text stereogram
- Shimmer
generates shimmer images and starts shimmer slideshow
- Continue Shimmer
continues shimmer slideshow using most recently generated shimmer iamges
- Copy
copies output picturebox image to clipboard
- Save
saves output picturebox image as BMP file
- Convergence Marks
displays convergence marks
- Whitespace
set whitespace percentage
- Depth
set depth percentage
- Oversampling
set oversampling level
- Full Screen
displays depth masks, textures and stereograms size to fill the output picturebox
- Color
use colored dots in random dot stereograms
- Gradient
use gradient when colored dots are used
- Browser
display depth mask and texture browser
- Information
display message box with current settings
- Email Author
open default email client pre-addressed to gbStereogram author
- Exit
close gbStereogram

The following functions are available on the bottom toolbar:
- New Depth Mask
select a depth mask file
- Display Depth Mask Window
displays depth mask in upper left hand corner of display
- Display Depth Mask
displays depth mask in output picturebox
- New Texture
select a texture file
- Display Texture Window
displays texture in upper left hand corner of display
- Display Texture
displays texture in output picturebox
- Font
select font properties
- Font Color
select font color
- Display Text
display stereogram text in output picturebox
- Stereogram Text
enter text to be use in generating a text stereogram
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Menu Options
gbStereogram provides Algorithm and Help menu selections.
The Algorithm menu offers the following selections.
- Thimbleley
algorithms will be based on work published by Thimbleley
- Steer
algorithms will be based on work published by Steer
- Basic
uses simplest algorithm
- Basic + Smart Links
adds intelligent link selection to basic algorithm
- Basic + Smart Links + Hidden Surface Removal
adds intelligent link selection and hidden surface removal to basic algorithm
- Compact
Removes all blank lines. Also removes leading/trailing spaces from all lines.
- Backup
Creates a backup copy of all 3 files. The backup are given the extension ".old".
- Restore
The backup copy of all 3 files is used to copy over the current version of the files
The Help menu offers the following selections.
- Email Author
Opens default web client with email addressed to gbStereogram author
- Online Help
Opens the default browser at the gbStereogram Online Help page.
- Online Update
Opens a dialog window from which the latest version of gbStereogram can be downloaded.
- About
Shows the revision level of the installed version of gbStereogram