gbStreet - Online Help

This page provides the latest online Help information for gbStreet. gbStreet is a fun and educational freeware game of trading stocks to achieve financial success. Use it for just the fun of building your own fortune, or use it to learn or teach the fundamentals of stock trading. gbStreet allows the user to track five different "stocks", buying and selling stock to amass a fortune - the goal being to reach $1,000,000. You'll spend hours trying to figure out a winning strategy and then wish it was for real when you reach the million dollars!

Overview     Toolbar     Menu Selections     Trading Options    

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gbStreet allows the user to buy and sell five different stocks. Just press the stock icon in the toolbar to play that stock. A timer is used to simulate the passing of time, generating stock prices for each day. Game lengths may be set from 1 to 10 years. The games may be paused and the timer speeds may be varied.

At any time a game may be discarded and a new game begun. At the end of the specified game lenght, the net worth is displayed and a new game is started.

Multiple copies of gbStreet may be run, allowing the user to monitor all five stocks simulataneiously.

In addition to the menu and toolbar features listed below, the graph may be right-mouse clicked for additional menu options.

The main window may be resized and the graph will size appropriately.

The primary Buy/Sell orders are given through the Trading Options window, as discussed below.

Settings made while a stock is being played (speed, length, ...) are saved and restored when the stock is next selected. Each game can have its own settings.

When a stock is selected, all other stockes are paused. All games are saved automatically when gbStreet is closed.

Set Picture
Set Icon
Clear Picture
Clear Icon
Clear All Games
Set Name
Show Grid
Show Comments
Show Game Name in Title
Line Thickness
Game Length
Auto Zoom (10 Years)
1 Year Fixed
5 Years Fixed
10 Years Fixed
Price Graph
Net Worth Graph
Web Site
Web Site
Online Help
Online Update

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Toolbar Options

The following functions are available on the toolbar:

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Menu Options

gbStreet provides File, Edit, Option, and Help menu selections.

The Images menu selections include:

The Settings menu offers the following selections.

The Game Length menu offers the following selections.

The Colors menu offers the following selections.

The Help menu offers the following selections.

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Trading Options

Instructions for stock trading are placed in this window. Stocks can be bought/sold immediately, or an order can be placed to buy/sell stocks when stock prices reach a specific value.

If a "Buy All" order is placed, shares of stock will be purchased to the maximum quantity that cash allows.