gbThreads provides offline viewing and searching of the ~50K PowerBASIC vBulletin forum threads. To install gbThreads, download the *.zip distribution file and uncompress it into an empty
folder of your choice.
Here are some highlights of what gbThreads offers. A more detailed Help file is included in the gbThreads distribution file.
Thread Count - the forum has about 50K threads. Threads are displayed in a list.
View Threads Locally - select a thread to display it in the embedded browser.
Thread Format - all posts within a thread are shown as one long thread page in the browser
View Threads Online - double-click on a thread to open it onilne in the PowerBASIC forum
Layout Control - Settings button toggles display of thread list, embedded browser, or both.
Focus Indicator - The control with focus (search box, forum list, thread list, browser) displays a red border
Search - enter search term and press Enter to find matching threads. Searches are not case sensitive.
Search Settings - Boolean, Author/Title/Thread, Whole word and Within search options are supported
Forums - select forums whose threads can be shown in the thread list and which are used in searches
Code - Code: sections in threads can be displayed by themselves, selected, exported and shown in the IDE
Bookmarks - individual threads can be bookmarked. a list of bookmarked threads can be viewed
Thread Lists - a list of displayed thread can be saved and restored at a later time
Column Sorting - Click column headers to sort thread list on that column. click again to reverse the sort.
Online Update - Online update of the EXE is available
Revisions - gbThreads is updated monthly to the latest code and forum thread list.
gbThreads Change Log
Option to set color of focus frame
Tooltips for maximize buttons
Keyyboard synchronization in multiple places where ListView Select was used
AllPosts subfolder creation
Alt-X keyboard shortcut for exit
Removal of dead code in 3 places
Reduced space between maximize buttons and the rest of the toolbar button
Relocated ApplyFontSize on startup to ensure correct sizing of Forum list
Index now includes threads through 20 May 2020
New Feature: Search Within current thread list
Improvements to content of index files
New Feature: Show All Threads With Code:
Fix: remove Email Protect from Code: sections
removed DoNotDisplay variable
removed line in ItemChanged that was causing flicker
shortend URL displayed in Statusbar
removed flicker from vBar
removed flicker from scrolling thread list
bookmark symbol alignment in post count
ziplist HTML header changes
when Toggle a bookmark, the bookmark count is shown in toolbar
only 1st 10 bookmarks are shown in dropdown list
Ctrl-Space bar toggles bookmark when listview have focus
after sort, same thread is selected
Find dialog uses more reliable, faster insertion of search text into dialog
maximize buttons placed on each toolbar. With bottom toolbar maximized, top toolbar is not visible
threadlist SaveAs and Restore From files
bookmark button now toggles bookmark status of selected thread
a "B" is placed in the Post Count column to indicate the thread is bookmarked
threadList improvements: default thread list and SaveAs named thread lists
list of zip files can be viewed in external browser for viewing
switch to red/green sort icons
show Focus Frame - sizing/color adjustments
adjust vBarTop to size/color of earlier gbThreads versions
forum and URL put in StatusBar #2 position
code button stays depressed when Code only is shown
thread History. Back/Forward not apply to thread history. Clear History
copy Row and Copy All Rows (puts thread list info onto clipboard)
URLs shows in statusbar as mouse moves over a link
multi-level dropdown menus used to simplify user interface
"Remove Thread From List" dropdown menu item added
HTML Search - as-string search through the raw thread file. Any characters, lower case. Overrides other searches
Fix: INI now contains HTMLSearch and AcceptNonSearch settings
Words that begin with numbers are now allowed
User can choose to Search with nonWord characters
Faster loading
Faster column searches
Smaller index files and smaller distribution files
Faster "as string searching
Faster indexing
Options to display only thread Code: sections. copy/open/save options
Individual Code: sections contain CheckBoxes for using with copy/open/save commands
Fix: local image display
As-string search uses Whole Word setting
Formatting adjustments to how DblClicked Code: section is displayed in IDE
Ctrl-S scroll thread list so that selected thread is visible
Index strings converted to String instead of WString (smaller index files)
Ctrl-N shows thread number as prefix in thread list title
Split Threads terminology changed to Export Threads
Statusbar has 2nd part, where search times are displayed
LV last column resizes to fill width of window (on WindowResize)
Fix: NewEditProc handling of caret
Allow keyboard navigation of browser by giving it focus
Settings button added to bottom toolbar (100% Zoom plus dropdown menu)
Tweak: column size adjustements
Split large threads
Alert user when gbThreads modified search term to remove bad characters
Custom browser context menu (copy, copyall, view source, view html)
Tweak: Spacebar on ListViewF toggles selected forum
Separate column for Thread#. Ctrl-N toggles
1-char words now allowed
Show All Threads only shows all threads in selected forums
Click on statusbar selects all forums (shows all threads in all forums)
Display images in HTML that were not showing on the forum
First time startup threads sort by post date, descending
Fix: Error returned when restarting after Search with no matches
View Source can be directed to the embedded browser or to NotePad
ComboBox Edit context menu now has "Remove" and "Remove All" to delete searchterms
Booksmarks dropdown now shows thread# + thread title
Show Thread# is now an option. can persist between sessions
worked with Adam to show hidden emoticons
alternating color line count in thread list can be set manually
Opening selection to Win32 Help file is supported
Sorting now utilizes 1st eight characters in terms
Fix: Toolar button state is restored after toggling toolbar text
Tweak: Modified code saved delimiter to make visually more distinctive
When saving code, a suggested name is provided in the Save As dialog
Fix: Selecting "Double Click Opens Embedded" now marks the Setting
Fix: Display All Bookmarks wasn't working correctly.
Allow selection of line colors and number of lines shaded
Added Save/Restore context menu options to thread list
Add Restore Thread List to BookMarks dropdown menu
Re-order columns by dragging header to a new location
Save re-ordered columns between sessions
Period and Dash allowed as word characters
Online Update allows user to update even if he has the latest version
Ctrl-C works now in Search box as well as in browser
When removing Bookmark, the "Display Only Booksmarks" is evoked
Fix: * after Search correctly shows selected file in browser
Reduced installation file size from 500MB to 375MB
gbThreads.exe memory footprint dropped from 500MB to 125MB (faster load time)
Faster column sorts: 1.5s down to 0.3s
Faster "as string" search speed ... 4s down to 2s
Keyboard navigation in Browser
Fix: LV status on startup
Fix: restore zoom between sessions
Fix: after a search, * correctly shows selected thread in browser
Fix: $ver moved to \temp folder
Fix: BG color applied to Quotes
Fix: Gosta displayed correctly
Fix: Adjustments to ListView column widths (rightmost resizes to window size)
Indexing time reduced from 1h to 30min
Faster extraction of InnerText
Toolbar Forum button is now a checkbutton
Now saves last Ctl-G message number entered by user
Converted al WStringZ index words to StringZ. Speed and size.
Numeric version of create date and post date added to index. Speed.
Fixed: unwanted thread title characters & ": G?stra leading quote mark.
added 2nd part to Statusbar, speed results will go there
limited words in indexs to 20 characters
add Y/N dialog to updating EXE
fixed: some forums incorrectly showed no threads
added "Change Log" under main toolbar help
added IDM_W to jump to show List and Browser
added missing 4 tooltips on main toolbar
Improved "as string" search speed. from 20s to 4s
double click can optionally display thread in full-window browser
ESC restores showing both thread list and browser
F1 now shows local help
Fix: 2 issues with Win7 related to embedded browser objects
rawwords.idx (765MB) replaced with rawwords_little.idx (38MB) - smaller distribution file and faster loading
Fix: Some OP author's names were incorrectly displayed as "Share"
Removal of $crlf to text only thread index (to ensure capture of multi-word strings that had been on separate lines)
On first run, sorts by date to put the most recent threads at the top
Applied UTF8ToChr$ to title and author fields
When large numbers are displayed in Statusbar, uses "##,##0" as display format
Save/Restore/Lock ListView column widths
Restore embedded browser zoom between sessions (optional)
Ctrl-I displays number of threads in list and total number of posts in the displayed threads
Better extraction of thread content. such as dates given as "Today" or "Yesterday", missing author name and missing forum names
Option to hide Banner and Forum Name in browser display
Online Help moved to under the Help button on top toolbar
'Fix: gbThreads window restores correctly after being minimized
When searching, search now Only searches through threads From selected forums
When searching, forum selections are Not changed (previously, forums were mistakenly turned On For All searches)
Added %LVS_Ex_HeaderDragDrop to ListView at Pierre request
Fix: cursor in edit control now displays correctly after a search
Option provided to save/restore Thread List columns between sessions