gbGalleryLite is a fully functional freeware program which provides an extremely easy-to-use
method of creating a gallery of images, uploading the gallery to your server,
and emailing the URL to your friends so they can view the image gallery!
Features supported include:
- Very simple user interface for creating the gallery
- Easy page-to-page navigation within the gallery
- Select an entire folder of images
- JPG image support (with quality setting)
- Reads BMP/GIF images (exported as JPG)
- Built-in FTP capability
- Automatic HTML file generation
- Thumbnail size control
- Image size control
- Online Updates
Download gbGalleryLite   (ver 4.2, 1.8MB)
OnLine Help
Application Screen:

Online Gallery Samples:

Also available is gbGallery, a more powerful version.
Its features include individual selection of images for inclusion in the gallery, multiple output formats, image rotation and
other special effects, batch file renaming, titles/descriptions for each image, graphics (for navigation buttons,
horizontal rules, and page backgrounds) and much more.