27 July 2003
Added option to display only exact matches
Fixed problem that Within searches did no use End/Exact options correctly
24 July 2003
Changed default value of AutoClose to unchecked
Adjusted minimum window size so that Within button is fully visible
23 July 2003
Added option to ignore floppy drives A: and B:
Added right-mouse click option to display entire name of long folders
Added keyboard shortcut to Find textbox
Added feature that allows an abbreviated display of long folder names
22 July 2003
Revised GUI
Added form resize capability
Added right-mouse options to determine action to take (Open/DOS/Explore)
15 July 2003
Fixed problem that gbNavigate was not releasing resources when it ended
24 June 2003
Replaced text box with dropdown listbox that keeps the last 8 Find/FindWithin entries
Changed form to disallow sizing, but to allow minimizing
Added ..v, ..m, ..l, and ..x inputs commands (view all, minimize, focus on list, exit)
23 June 2003 "Delete Settings" menu option corrected to "Default Settings" - deletes all, then sets to default values
Disabled the 'BEEP' that sounds when you press enter in a textbox
FIxed problem with .Within always enabled
Changed last refreshed text box to a label which cannot be edited
21 June 2003 Fixed problem with opening DOS window where drive and directory are changed