gbWebCamLite is a fully functional freeware program which provides an extremely easy-to-use
method for capturing images from a webcam and transferring the images
to a server for display on a web page. Features include:
- webcam preview
- JPG image capture
- countdown or immediate image capture
- extensive caption options, including
title/time, borders, colors, transparency
font control and more
- HTML page generation
- single-shot/continuous transfers
- email images to multiple users
- Online updates
|           Download gbWebCamLite   (ver 5.5, 1.3MB)   
OnLine Help   
| Also available is gbWebCam, a more powerful version.
Its features include image overlays, motion detection, scheduling of image captures/transfers, AVI capture and playback (including audio),
special image effects, image archives, and much more. An activation key can be purchased for only $20.