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Language Frame
gbXML - Language Frame
The language frame lists all languages in the database, the attributes of
each language, and the list of tokensets within the language.
Language Attributes
There are four language-level attributes which may be assigned for each language:
- Case Sensitive
Determines whether case is considered when tokens are parsed. For example, if case sensitivity
is not checked, then 'a' and 'A' (upper and lower case) are treated as the same character.
- White Space as Parameter Block
When checked, allows spaces to be used as parameter
blocks. For example, most functions use a syntax such as "FunctionName (a,b,c)" - where the
parentheses group the arguments of the function. Other languages allow "FunctionName a,b,c",
where white spaces are allowed to define the scope of function parameters.
- Word Characters
Defines the character used to separate one word (token) from another. Most languages
use one or more spaces to define word boundaries. The value of Word Characters is typically
given as the regular expression [\s+].
- Memberlist
As part of the word completion capability of the CodeMax source code editor, a popup list of
words may be displayed to help the user select valid language words without having to type the
complete word. Memberlist is the name of the file which contains the allowable, valid word list
used in the popu. The file also contains tooltip and prototype/declaration information.
Tokenset List
The list of tokensets in the currently selected language is shown to the right
of the language list. When a new language is added it is given a default set
of common tokensets. Attributes of the selected tokenset are displayed in the
Tokenset Properties frame to the right of the Language Frame.
A tokenset is not included in the XML formatted language definition unless it is
The order of tokensets within a language definition is important because some tokens
may fit the definition of one or more tokenset definitions. If so, the first tokenset
in the list to which the token applies, will be used to format the token. gbXML provides
an easy way to reposition tokensets in the list (moved up or down).