
gbXML Help
XML Format
Language Frame
Tokenset Frame
XML Code
Sample Code
Manual Edits
Debug Mode
Dirty XML


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FreeWare >> gbXML >> XML Code gbXML - XML Code
Whenever the settings of the main window (Language or Tokenset properties) are changed gbXML recreates the corresponding XML language definition code and displays it in the XML Code textbox. The XML code is kept in a temporary file called gbXML.lng in the gbXML installation folder.

The content of the XML Code textbox are generated automatically by gbXML. However, changes can be made manually and saved as language definition files.

Caution: A manually changed XML language definition file is saved in the /languages_def/ folder and will overwrite any previously exported language file of the same name. The manual changes are not preserved within the gbXML database and any subsequent export of the gbXML language definition file will override any previously saved manual changes.

There are two buttons - Apply and Save - next to the XML Code textbox which are used to apply manual changes to the Sample Display textbox or to save the XML contents to a file. The file name is automatically assigned as the language name and ".lng". It is placed in the same /language_def/ folder as are files exported from gbXML.

Visual Enhancements
When creating XML code, gbXML includes a listing of all attributes in the language definition, even where an attribute is assigned its default value. This can make for some very wide lines of XML code. To simplify viewing the "EasyRead Format" option can be checked to force a new line for each attribute value.

The Font toggle toolbar button can also make it easier to read tokens. Pressing the button repeatedly increases the token font size, recyling after five presses.

Dirty XML Code
When a tokenset is deleted, renamed, or excluded from a language definition user settings, such as validscope or inheritfrom, may no longer reference valid tokensets. gbXML will go ahead and write the XML code with those references removed and change the color of the status label from green to red to acknowledge that the user settings contain invalid references.

See the Advanced > Dirty XML section for more details.